ihatestickers.com holiday special



did the gold chrome vinyl come in yet?

I didn’t get a chance to order it yet… I’m just going to cut it on the 15" roll we have. I’ll be in next week and so will my interns, so we’ll get it done :slight_smile:


Mike answer the PM noaw.

Edit: order placed :slight_smile:

Ordered, thanks!


Yes because giving 20% off is certainly taking advantage of people.

Who the fuck are you and where did that come from?

If you look at the prices on that website and know anything about vinyl you’d know that even the regular prices on that site are dirt cheap. He is cleary operating just above what it costs him over all to make the stickers.

yeah ripping off friends

fucking moron

+1 for mike being top notch customer service

not contributing to the website? I talked to him for 2 fucking hours while he changed that stupid shift518 sticker into a usable vector format.

and maybe he wasn’t respoding to emails because he wasn’t online cause he just had a god damn child. No that couldn’t be the reason. Just cause he doesnt answer a pm the day someone sends it doesnt mean he’s fucking ignoring the shit.

He is definitely nicer than I am to even consider the shift bullshit. If it was me I’d make the sticker sell them for $15 each and tell you all to go fuck yourselves if you expected me to pay you some stupid royalty.

What kind of person sits back and demands money from another business person for doing absoultely nothing. The only person who would be entilted to any kind of royalty at all is the person who came up with the original design and then since the design was changed in order to make it a usable vector image for vinyl legally Mike could tell him to hold his hand on his ass because the image was different enough from the original.

But that not what happened, so you stop being the asshole

since when were stickers such top priority shit??? get off the guys back. what next, checking all of his personal shit to see when he is online and not logged on to Shift?

LOL really who are you? Do I even know you? Nothing was ever brought up about me being kicked off the site, so that’s just amusing that you brought that up. Should I start flipping out like you are because vlad hasn’t answered my return pm yet? People have shit to do and we’re not all 15 year old girls with clearly nothing to do. As Ron said, in addition to checking shift once and a while, I have like 4 businesses to run, a family, now with 2 kids, and more shit to do.

Besides, when someone sends me a link to something on here, it’s usually a click and then close. So IF by chance my ip address came up, that is most likely why. I don’t always look to see if I have PM’s. I hadn’t even seen the PM until 2 weeks later, when I didn’t have to write back at that moment anyways.

You need to look at it both ways also… I came on here to offer some discounts to people who know me from way back. I’m glad I was able to help out some new people with stickers.

So in the end… why do you care?

do you have a local shop ? I have a copule things I need made for my track,winter beater,ice racer car ?

This Captain Morgan guy is a retard.

Got my order super fast and they look great, thanks Bub! Cant wait till some better weather hits so i can throw them on the vehicular.

Ps. will be ordering again

I do, but i’m in rochester :slight_smile:
