Illegal Body Shop

So recently, a grandma hit my car. Does anyone know of any illegal body shops in the area I could go to?

PM Z28LT1Rocket, he works at an illegal bodyshop off Dunsbach Ferry Road in Colonie, NY.

yah your as- mods might wanna lock this cuz this a i s a thread to no where…

any chance you could give me directions?

No, it’s an informative thread.

yeah hold on…

right here:

Alright thanks… and that body shop is completely illegal, meaning that it is breaking the law, right?


100% breaking the law
Evading taxes and no building permit.

Subscribed, need some work done to my car too…

perfect… thats what i want

haha, pete, those PR’s were sooo stupid from LVD.

yeah, but they were funny so it balances out. same goes for the putz with the b-series shirt. oh god!

not gonna happen.

and also no, i wont be your friend.

i might be looking for some cheap bodywork done too, and id prefer not to pay taxes

Any illegal pet stores around?

might be, PM Z28LT1Rocket

Cameo negged me for this thread :rofl

What do you need?

any illegal plant stores around?