ILS Productions

So I make a few videos right?

May as well make a site for them right?

And I also love sluts right?


if any of you guys know PHP please message me I have some quesitons regarding this comment system I setup in the gallery section.

Check it out comments/cussings etc welcome

HOWEVER, lockings are NOT!


nice vid… some good footage and great editing.

needs more sluts, tho! :thumleft:

is that sasha at the end hammered outta his mind??

gahahahaha nice video man love your car! :smiley:

Needs more sluts

get some fat uoit sluts to flap their titties. ill recruit some others (angie?) haha

haha angie will do it for sure, you’ve seen her other videos fucking maria

but it isn’t a site about sluts!! dont take too muhc from the name

and naw thats not me at the end

i believe i made those videos.

anyway, the point is we do love sluts, thus there should be some of that added into the video. i mean nothing goes better with cars bikes and stupid stunts then hot sluts. plus its easy to get them in videos.sluts love attention.

What ever happened to the footage of Pavel and I in my car in the Zehrs lot?

I’m russian!

Do you want more vids of drunk girls doing crazy shit or is this mostly car related stuff?

Cuz I believe I have about a gig of that crap. It’s uhh, somewhat venereal in nature though, so I’d have to speak with those involved before putting it online, but I doubt they’d mind.


thats what’s best about sluts… they dont care.

thats what’s best about sluts… they dont care.[/quote]

Yeah but many of them are my friends… some are just random drunk sluts… others are actually nice girls who just get a little crazy some times. :wink:


if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone feel like hunting?

Anyone feel like hunting?[/quote]

Slut Hunt 2k5

Dunk Hunt for NES ain’t got NOTHIN’ on this!

Anyone feel like hunting?[/quote]

Slut Hunt 2k5

Dunk Hunt for NES ain’t got NOTHIN’ on this![/quote]

anyone else loving the title Duck Hunt?


iono, i got that a couple weeks ago and had a good chuckle

Anyone feel like hunting?[/quote]

Slut Hunt 2k5

Dunk Hunt for NES ain’t got NOTHIN’ on this![/quote]

anyone else loving the title Duck Hunt?


iono, i got that a couple weeks ago and had a good chuckle[/quote]

would that make us… The Da-Kunt-ers? or Team Da-Kunt?