U2NDyno.com Vid Compilation

Just a little vid I slapped together for fun… you may even recognize some of the cars within…

Link to Video

Very nicely done.

Song was pretty :cool: too :slight_smile:


Ah cool - I just kinda plunked it together…I’m glad you like.

sweet biskits

Hey dan, i fed in all the footage from the past weekend…
How can i get it to ya?

ftp it to somewhere and let me pull it down?

i love you, but that video sucked balls.

get someone to put something pro or semi-pro together for you with fewer still images and some good on-dyno action.

You suck balls.

nice video :slight_smile:

cool video

that was intense


LOL i figured ud like that

like the vid

but i cant stand that song, so gay

but its ok, again, nice vid