im a celebrity!


umm… I cut down a street lamp with a hacksaw once


hahaha, if you’re serious, that’s fucking awesome.




Ha thats funny.

They put up no parking signs in front of my neighbors house, and my neighbor dug it up and put it in his garage.

It made absolutely no sense to have a no parking sign in front of someone’s house in tonawanda.


i got stuck blowing reverse doughnuts on a baseball diamond once. cops came and everything, called my parents, got my tempo taken away for 2 weeks (i was 16)

so ya dumb shit.



i got stuck blowing reverse doughnuts on a baseball diamond once. cops came and everything, called my parents, got my tempo taken away for 2 weeks (i was 16)

so ya dumb shit.


Same damn thing happened to me up on California road. Left before the cops came.


hahaha, if you’re serious, that’s fucking awesome.




I have done some dumb things too as well as just about everyone else on this board. Fortunately for me I never got caught and nothing bad happened. I guess I was right when I said his insurance would have to cover it.

yea i ‘made’ money because i owed less than the blazer was worth retail. if i had missed one payment or had it been a month earlier i would have probably broke even. and geico said that my insurance rates wont go up until i renew at the end of june. and they said they cant give me an estimate of how much it will go up. but ive been with them for 3 years without any claims so im hoping atleast wont drop me. who knows, i get what i deserve either way.

welcome… and cant believe they actually paid for it


Haha, month late on this, but I too say welcome.

At least you realize you fucked up, and are tkaing it like a man.

Shit, me and my brother took the keys out of the ignition of his Pathfinder to coast down the road, when he was 17 and the steering column locked. We cranked into this ditch with 2 feet standing water.

4-low and another truck hooked up with chains was needed to get it out.

Never told the parents until many many years later. Lol.

We all do stupid shit sometimes. Just some of it turns out WAYYYYY worse.

hahahaha Awesome… hahahaha Welcome but your screen name should be Captain Nemo

with someone asking about the pic i posted in another thread i decided to bump this thread.

almost time for the 2 year anniversary…

(the date stamp on my pics is a year off)

My rates didnt sky rocket, I have no idea why. I am still with Geico. I did shop around and my quotes for everyone else almost double. So I’ll be staying for a while. No reason to leave really, they did me good.

wish I saw this before I bought a car from you. i kid i kid, its been a good car so far.

They really fucked that truck up pulling it from the water.




How old were you when you drove your car into the lake?