Im a DAD *Pics* New

cute kid rick.
i showed the pics to my girlfriend and she was like
“awwwwww!. so cute shes all wraped up, shes a bundle”
she also said “ohh he’s cute” meaning you rick.

best of wishes with your new family.


shes adorable, congradulations :slight_smile:

dude ur a dad…
shes a little angel congrats again

:smiley: thanx agian hehe


Dam, she is way too cute.

Congrats again Zep.

Best wishes to you and yours for the new year.


congrats man…

Congrats Ricky!

Hey Rick,

I’m so sorry I’m late saying this but my holidays were a bit a crazy. Anyway, CONGRADULATIONS my friend, she is beautifull and looks like her mother, so thats good :stuck_out_tongue: . Just kiddin man :wink: .

Having a child is amazing and true, a lot of things change but you’ll NEVER regret it. All you need now is one more and you’ll be just like me, lol. Tell ya what, we’ll hook up your daughter with my 16 month old son and they’ll be set :smiley: . hahaha.

Well congradulations again man and talk to you soon.

Cheers :smiley:

if things doesnt workout between bruce’s son and your daughter. my godson/nephew is 14 months old. lol. get that last pic of your daughter and print a large one and frame it. you’ll treasure that pic even after she grows up. congrats on being a dad.

haha um yahhh… i dont think im ready to see her date anyone yet or ever that is lol… she gonna be a nun…

and thanx guys being a dad is the best thing,

hahaha, I know it totally sounds like we’re pimpn your daughter out all over but at least we’re keepin her in the family of TNC! :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao arranged marriage

true. at least you have the security of knowing that she’ll be riding in a nissan. imagine if she gets picked up from your place in a honda. lol. just kiddin zep.