You know what’s really lame? This whole thread, and this whole challenge.
First of all, what exactly do you plan to prove by attending a event? You do realize that it is an HPDE, better known as a driving (safety) school? Says it right in black and white on their website. That’s different from a lapping day or practice session .You also realize that based on your group pairing and your instructor, your speed will vary? How are you going to “prove” anything, when you are only allowed to pass on a point-by, or on the straight? And that’s assuming you even make it into the intermediate or advanced groups where passing is even allowed!
The only way to “validate” this challenge is actual wheel-to-wheel racing , something that quite frankly just about all of you (except for by my count, 3 people in this thread) do not have the money and balls to do. You’ve got to pay to play. Otherwise everyone would be a proffessional racer. As for the balls, it’s one thing late breaking 400 ft fron the turn by your lonesome. It’s a different story when you are 3 or 4 wide latebreaking in the same corner. A lot of people’s balls would shrivel, and quite honestly sometimes brains is a bit more important in that situation. So lets just drop the “Do you have the balls to XYZ”, ok?
Why don’t you people stop jockying for props, and just enjoy whatever car you have. Who gives a fuck who’s car is “better”. None of you have the driver skill to even bring the “which car is better” variable into the equation anyway (Bottoms excluded of course). Go to the, learn how to drive your cars (some of you need it), and have some fun.
The rest of you, feel free to return to the bench and continue racing via magazine article. Or “basketball”, or whatever.