I'm a little worried at the moment...

2 military gunships, which I believe to be an Apaches ('scuse my helicopter ignorance) has been circling my house/yard for the last hour.

Oh yeah, go Stillers!


even the military wants to know all your dsm secrets


I saw one yesterday while I was walking next to the stadium, headed to the Science center…

i saw three or four last week when i was driving from robinson to plum…

Yeah, i see them occasionally too, but how many of you have them circle your house for an hour. I’m not kidding they didnt’ stray more than 1/8th mile from my house for an hour, they kept buzzing me.


Those pics came off a point and shoot 4x zoom…how close do you think they were.

what the hell are you hiding? haha

whats the last picture of? its hard to see

Steelers logo on the bottom of the chopper.

looks like an alien face to me lol

Rumor has has it they are looking for the person that does the spelling for the Fayette County Fair’s flashing sign…

Trying to find my secret lair

Um, ever heard of military games? They do it around suburbs here and there for training…

Um, ever heard of a base out here that would harbor apache’s that would make it NORMAL to hold a military game over my house?

actually they just looked up your address on mapquest and they sent the apache’s out to have fun. fuckin dont worry about it and quit bitching. omg they are watching you and want to take your first born. fucking get over it. they were prob doing exactly what devin said.

^^You’re silly if you think i’m serious. :rolleyes:

they are looking for my helmet and buffer

Well they don’t have to look anywhere, they’re both in my basement.

bet thats a big helmet