base in johnstown
Man I reallly need to stop getting drunk and thinking its funny to call in to the terrorist hotline.
must be. they went over my house near delmont heading East.
They are at the allegheny county airport at least once a week, sometimes more. I walk my kids over to look at them when we see them landing.
It’s pretty normal stuff, nice pics though.
Yeah, I know they are local I just was confused as to why my house was central to their flight plan for an hour, that seemed a little odd, we get flyovers all the time but I’ve never sat and waved to one as it did a 100ft bank off my chimney.
I heard they are using those for the next filming of To Catch a Predator. Do you have something that you’d like to tell us?
It’s a training excersise, was told by my buddys dad who is in the 911th air wing unit. most of them mills and the layout of the land is like over in the far east. and if we got into a war or something like that. that is what iam told. but cool pics btw.
Dude quit being such a bitc.h! I got appachees on my ass like every other day. It aint nothin!!!
good guess on the Apache! you google helicopters and match it or did you know what they look like.
Most training missions around here don’t have to deal with terrain, it has to deal with air space and how low certain planes need to go, i.e we (c130) have our drop zone over by star lake bc we can fly at 500-800 AGL and there’s really no house we buzz, and if we do go by a farm or something we had to ask permission and shit…
But hey atleast you didn’t think we were under attack like when we flew low level down town over the rivers and people on some of the top floors called the cops bc they were scared something happened downtown. ( our PR rep forgot to let the papers know we were doing a fly-by for a parade or opening day at the pirates or something…
those 2 paragraphs probably equal about $30,000 in wasted taxpayer money.
i remember the helicopters doing flybys downtown for the world series or whatever was a few years back.
only if I was sitting at the base writing it, but Im at home on the couch
there are a lot of flyovers for steeler games and pirate home openers… maybe for the all-star game they used helicopters??
lol… yeah all-star… i guess it’s been a while since a world series was in pittsburgh
there was a refueling jet flying over the city a few months ago. i was down the casino downtown working and they seemed to be real low. one was a refueler and one was a regular c17ish jet.
The 171st Air National Guard has the KC-135 refuelers at the airport I’m not sure where the C-17ish aircraft was from cause it’s not from here.
i dont know if it was a c17 it was just big and had 4 jets. i am kinda dumb to airplanes my good friend works on c17’s in s.carolina and my other buddy worked on c130s down in florida. thats about the only 2 planes that i know so if its a jet i consider it a c17 if its propped i call it a c130 thats about my knowledge on military cargo planes. i know what a b2 looks like also because my whole family on my dads side built them out at northrup (spl? ) in cali
[QUOTE=nh4442;754465]only if I was sitting at the base writing it, but Im at home on the couch :)QUOTE]
hahaha well keep the count going…
more then 30k
I have to poo.