Im a newbie?

and why dont you cry because theres no place for you to go to before hockey :lol:

oh and tony…I fixed your comp…I can break it too :slight_smile:

bow down to a true pimp mon amiiiiiiiiiiiies

for someone who works out all the time u sure do pull alot of muscles jon :lol:

Ill send ur myspace a virus then will see how much of an internet pimp you’ll be then… thanks for fixin the computer its works great

yea myspace hahahahahahahahaha…funny stuff

Thats cause I have muscles to pull.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Burnedddddddddddd :slight_smile:

no seriously, I didn’t ignore phone calls and played football instead of sitting in the house pouting over the chargers loss. They won as many games as the bills awesome!!! :slight_smile:

all in good fun of course…
I love you jay :wink:

haha I don’t even try on myspace, nothing wrong with putting my resume out there…and you’re welcome:)


:wave: welcome to the board

welcome man

Haha, what’s up tony

welcome aboard :wave: