I'M BACK!! New Pics pg. 3

The man is obsessive about his wirings, clearly it’ll be all done clean


whats wrong with the wire?? im lost

Lol… this thread title is ripe for parody.

I’M BLACK!! New Pics pg. 3


nothing really, it cold be done a little cleaner, Plus being a B series harness, IDK if where gonna make it work or swap it out

nope…still have the cobalt…i just wanted to stop modding it and get a real project.

Not to change the subject but, whats wrong with a Cobalt project? I know the body isnt that appealing but, the drivetrain is definately good enough for a “serious” project. GM even has books for building 500HP EcoTecs. But, to each there own.
Has anyone done back to back 1/8mi-1/4mi testing to see if those “speed holes” in the rear bumper actually lower the E.T.???
I’m curious since I have a “parachute effect” going on with my rear bumper, but cant get myself to drill 2"-3" holes in my rear bumper.

***Oh BTW, nice clean car. :wink:

It’s his daily.

indeed i am :slight_smile:

fucking LOL


Well i have built over 10 efs and done massive wiring jobs. Just offering help but i guess NYspeed is not a place for me.

haha, needs a little more than that man.

junkie, good luck, but i smell another failed project.


well saying that its the same thing :gotme: im sure youll just clean it up

pm me if you need help there guys


call me crazy, i think i seen this car parked on a sidestreet behind buffalo avenue in the falls, it was parked at a house that my brother says was abandoned, it was a hud house he was listing.

am I right?

NOOOO when was that

craZY… LOL

trust me…i will

still have that d16 clutch? pm me

this past winter…

Must have been a different but very similar car.