my money is on lmt0705, sounds like he has the $$$$ to go fast.

if he was making 600+whp last year he probably realized that 6spd+ all that power is impossible to get down.

So this year he has more power with and auto

i take a day off from the shop and spend it all on the computer and cleaning the house, very exciting. for all the ricers out there, im still not a real big fan but I just finished a paint job on an eclpse tsi turbo, got to drive it around a little bit, its actually a pretty cool car. first time driving a turbo car to.

i dont doubt that you have a fast car…many people due. I dont I am ok with that, that fact is that this is just repeating the past…tons of people have claimed to have a fast car, an awesome build and call out the top dog, not just chuck but people in the past, and when it all comes about and happends if it does, the big mouth making call-outs that has an awesome build, loses and starts making stupid excuses…all most of us are saying is dont be a douche if u make a call out be civil…and honeslty no matter how much i want to bash chuck, we still love him…well most of us

Dont Forget your Disturbed CD and your all good.


have you seen my new setup or are you guessing

like I said i apologize for coming off like that, i should have made the offer privately and if he accepted then come on the board and announce it

There is nothing out there that hasne’t been done before. I’m sure you don’t have the bank role to finance some new R&D project that will shatter speed records as we know them.

So what’cha got John? My build is not secret you can find it on here or ls1tech. I’m sure you’ve already seen it. Why does it matter if I know? Are you worried about something? Your so confident you’re going to win. Whats the big secret? You’re proud of it, lay it on the table. You know exactly what your up against its not going to change. I haven’t deleted any of my threads…

lsx true street shootout 10.0 index class was won by a 6 speed car, so there are people who do it

because I want money laid out for a race before you see my setup, thats all. if you dont want to do it thats fine, im sure people will see my car soon enough, i go to a lot of car shows and im hoping to get to lancaster a lot more this year, and NYI when i have a whole saturday to burn.

dude, for real…

we know what a poocharger looks like. we know what a 408 looks like. we know what etps look like :slight_smile:

it’s no mystery. its nothing that hasn’t been done 1093812x before. infact i could do the moonwalk 500ft backwards and i would see all of those things (different/comperable) heads in my garage. in fact i would see a fully forged 408, 365, and 347. i would also see a big(ger) poocharger, the same poocharger, a bigger turbo. i would also see a vortech, a badass 305 car, it’s new 3xx in the making. there is also a big tank of :snky: ohohohoohoaerohginaorng, and a bunch of other shit. it’s no big deal bud. you are not traveling on uncharted waters :slight_smile: believe it or not, other people HAVE ACTUALLY (i know, hard to take in), gasp, put a, gasp, procharger, and, 408 toGETher !!! :omg:

if i buy an automatic for track purposes, can i call you out to a money race? you can see my setup

again i never said its nothing that hasent been done before, its a new combo for me, im sure you will see it soon enough, its not a new revolutionary combo, it is something that should get me down the track very quickly

do you have a cage in your car turbo?

actually chuck I have no idea what you have anymore, I havent tried to look it up on the forums, im pretty sure your still running the f1 other than that I dont have a clue what your motor combo is

Ah the back pedaling to play nice now I love it.

What happened to the 5k race tonight?

he never got back to me, and im running out of time to do this today. what back pedaling? i want to race not sit on this site and call people names, grow up, im assuming your not going to show for a race tonight.

:word: I have 3 bottles ready to rock sherm, just an FYI bud :wink: and 2 plates incase you want to add a couple stages :lol:

no, i was thinking about it. i was planning on selling the car to get into something else, but if i keep it for '09, i plan to 8pt it.

im strongly thinking about getting an automatic for the side at the track. a lot of people run their mouths. a lot of people can’t back up their mouths. a lot of people seem to think i built a track car. for the millionth time, it is DEF NOT A TRACK CAR. it is a 4000lb, big wheeled, m6, full optioned street cruiser. launching an M6 turbo ls1 car is not like launching a SC, nitrous, or motor car. little more difficulty.

but recently, frankly, i want to put people in their place at the track. it seems a lot of the action has shifted back to the track. i like cruising around the street with my friends and messing around there for fun to be honest, and yes, i may be able to beat a comparable car with the m6 at the track, but if i have a serious race, it’s not going to be halfassed

so no cage for now, but i was thinking about attaching the chute :wink:

I’m ready when you are…If its not raining/snowing