the only thing holding me back right now is pulling the trigger on a cage, i know i wont be able to race very long before I get kicked out without one, but i dont want to loose the street car look of no cage

where do you live formula

Williamsville y0

Car is outside running right now…all 2900lbs…

Even though you keep posting back to back you’re not increasing your post count. Just a FYI, so you can just make one post instead of 2-3 in a row.
If I were you Chuck, I wouldnt even bother…who gives a shit about this guy anyways? He comes on here acting like an ass, bad mouthing him, THEN saying “its in the past” and he didnt comeon here to start drama…whaaa?
He’s TOP SECRET about his car, even though he knows about Chuck’s. He says Chuck is afraid and wants to race, yet he’s too insecure to post up what he has. Its retarded…why would Chuck want to race someone that knows his setup but, knows nothing about theres AAAAND made the callout. But, then again…if he’s done all his own work, maybe Chuck doesnt have much to worry about.
Grow up, grow a pair, quit posting senseless crap. No one cares where you work, what you do, what you work on (even though the posts about stuff you’ve fucked up is funny), hell, I doubt half the people care what you actually have under the hood…You killed any chance you had of becoming a positive member of this board, you just look like what you are. Or are you like speedped and just like the drama, and like the attention?

ill race anyone…with my 600rr lol

well we definatly cant race up there, i enjoy not being incarcerated for doing 3 times the speed limit, like I said before 219, freshly paved, low trafic and not much for police, plus if there are, I most likely know them because a close relitive of mine works for them. what time can you get there?

Come out here and race on the 990

I smoked 3 600s last year, Ill run your bike, i have no pull on the 990 if we get stopped

have you smoked a 1000?

thats right im the only person out here that ever broke anything, save all the drama

Can’t wait to see you hook up a supercharged 408 with a 6spd in 40degree weather :slight_smile:

I had the car out earlier…for some reason my car hooks up just fine :slight_smile:

was that towards me? you need to slow down and take your time when you read.

you said, “last year i smoked 3 600’s…”

i said, “have you smoked a 1000?” as in, a liter bike

a raced a bike on the 219 last year, not sure what it was though, the 600s i raced were people a friend of mine knew, they all had pipes, jet kits, and sprockets though. i raced a buell that was 1000cc I think but thats really not a very fast bike compared to the crotch rockets, I dont think he would have taken the 600s that I raced

no that wasent directed twords you, im not sure if the other one i raced was a 1000 or not, so I would have to say no

who said i had a 6 speed



Waiting to hear the outcome of tonight, I gotta give juno man some credit, while he comes out of nowhere on the site to run his mouth, he seems ready to take on someone with this shitty weather so props to him

Well you let me know when your ready to come out this way…

I am going to put my car in the garage now…

DO IT JUNO, if you play down with the sickness, the resonating OHH WAAAA AHH AHH AHHHHH blocks all forms of radar and laser due to the 8th law of ass kicking. You’ll be fine

i will be happy to run him on the 219 for the 5k, even that amount of money is not worth the risk of getting my car impounded and locked up, if we get stopped on the 219 I can get us out of any trouble. i appreciate your enthusiasum treads but i had one close call with the cops last year that could have put me in jail over racing on the thruway, thats enough for me, besides every time on on the 990 i always see amherst cops, thats not very likely to change when were doing 140 down the 990.