I'm done

I always new you had a soft side :kiss:

To each thier own…

but what i cant understand i might be ignorent how can you love someone that dose no love you

I thought the same damn thing…

me trying to give advice on love is like me telling a DSM guy how to make his car faster :dunno: , But when you do find that right women you’ll know it. its like waking up for Christmas morning for the rest of your life , you just cant wait… I just talked to my ex tonight and all those feelings came back. I still miss her and wish things were different, but they aren’t. So I moved on with my life… Any ways Cutty I hope your feeling better… And I will not show my soft side anymore, A brotha’s got a rep to protect…

Thats not always true dude. Except for jenn causing me minor stress some times, I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Its nice being young working to get a family started and hopfully make it to 40-45 and beable to go out and drink and enjoy your kids when they are adults and you are still young. I know some people who are my age and their parents are like 65+. Screw that.

As far as looking for love, you really can’t it sort of just happends. If you two arn’t together then it wasn’t ment no matter how much you loved her. Go out let it go have fun and it will happen when you least expect it.

Christ I’m sure you heard about how I met jenn. I would have never thought I would have ended up with a wife :eek3:

biger wing=jen gone:D


u would trade her for a bigger w-ng!:smiley:

fuck no. Beisdes I already have my new smaller spoiler sitting in my Den with the rest of my car shit. :hs:

like i said to each thier own,

finally he sais something very true, and serious :slight_smile:

but dude, my commitment to you was serious :bigok: :kekegay:


Thanks spangs… :beer: …Cutty,want to go out like the man version of thelma and luis? I,m there with you man,fuck ex cunts and fucxk there new b/f,s…they don,t know how good it could of been!

sorry to leave you hanging on this one hannibal…N N N N W A A A A!!!

HEY BOB…I have the perfect solution…lets build a LEMONADE stand, we’ll travel and sell it! what do ya say? LOL
I’m glad we talked last night, I feel alot better, and I think you do to.
Sorry for the cocky-ness in my post earlier, I was a little pissy, the irish in me came out! Love ya babe!