im drunk off guiness and harp




guinness :bigthumb:

aw post

18,228 :hsugh:

Can’t get better than Guinness and Harp…unless you add in a few shots of Jameson.


i’m jealous :beer: those two are weinerz

a local bar around me has harp as the beer of the month, $2 bottles everyday all day


Tilts Pub, its in richland

its one hell of a dive bar

damnit. i was hoping it would be somewhere by Mcknight

how about the irish car bombs??

guiness fucking blows!

what the fuck do you know about good beer, just a year ago you had mommy and daddy taking you to the mall to hang out…


if you were dying in a fire and all I had to put you out with was a nice cold pint… i hear they can do wonders with skin grafting these days.

Guiness > his life

fucking werd

its prolly 15 minutes away, if you wanna see what a dive this place is ill prolly be there on wed…25 cent drafts

it tastes like coffee that was left out for hrs and then thrown in the fridge. made me want to throw up when i had to drink it