I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111ONEONEONEoneoneone

I just got out of a 3 year relationship in August. To get over it, I slept with her best friend. It was awesome.


She had some intresting nipples though… hmm…

A new Zer0daze is born!

Ohhhh snapp

Come to NYC, we can really party now :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, I once hooked my buddy up with one of my ex’s friends. It was pretty funny actually… all 4 of us went out to eat, them both not saying a single word to each other the entire night and we all eventually went back to my place for some drinks.

well it got late and me and my old lady were going to bed… tossed them a blanket and my buddy got some (dont ask me how) lol. But speaking of funky nipples this chick, from what my friend says, had afros on hers :nasty: :puke:


lol puke yeah, thats uhh, yeah.

You have my condolences and my congratulations.

oh, and nikuk, you can hook me up with your sister now :slight_smile:

:word: greatest feeling ever… :lol:

i had dibs.

I didn’t think you would really do it after all this time…congrats i guess :slight_smile:

sorry to hear John, margret was nice, i liked her, but all that really matters is your happiness. :slight_smile: good luck brotha ~ don

just make sure to list your salary at $500,000 and above or whatever the highest one is… there will be 400 messages by tomorrow.
the myspace sluts like penis and $$$

congratulations tho, I’m always proud of guys who get free.

P.S. I’m a ‘‘lesbian’’

Haha. If your happy then that is sweet. time to hook up with all da bitches.

Wow thats a long time to go and call it quits.

If you are happy with it though then congrats.

damn straight

You have seen the way and the light, welcome to a better place.

if it wasnt so gay to be gay, i would totally be gay

ahhahaha way to go man