I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111ONEONEONEoneoneone

after 4 year i am a free man again.

ladies line up to the left for make outs, dudes to the right for high fives.

ohhhhhhh sh!t lock up all your ladies the pimp hand is strong now!!!



Sorry to hear/congratulations

lol… did we get you in trouble last night?

lol, nah.

this was in the making from over the weekend. i just realized yesterday that i really didnt care anymore.

i dont think i have ever felt so good. i have broken up with my fair share of women, and there is always a feeling of satisfaction… there’s something about being single again. waiting 4 years to be single is like not having sex for a month or so, and then lettting loose the lion. :slight_smile:

edit: and you can line up with the ladies for make outs if you want

holy shit. are you still getting the house? there is a huge line of ladies waiting to make out with you here: www.myspace.com

Sweet, D&B for lunch today?


P.S. Strongbad>Homestar



damn straight

way to go man, go on a humping spree

:lol: :word:


holy strongbad > *

im sorry our (well your) little thing got you in trouble with the lady.

glad to hear we dont have to hide it anymore :hay:

Aight, I’ll call you at noon when I leave the office.:headbang:


good deal man… I know what your saying about the “free” feeling. It’s like driving on new blacktop :smiley: :tup:

more like lock up your mothers

yea, im an old man… but i dont age discriminate. so i will hook up with you and your mom, or just you, or just your mom… whatever works :slight_smile:

you need a good old fashioned myspace skank to take out some aggression on

theres no agression, no anger, im actually smiling… a lot

ok then just fuck a skank in the ass anyways? it should still be fun
