I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111ONEONEONEoneoneone

lmfao :lol:

too funny

if u need help movin get at me i gotz no life lol

im 25. yesssss

i might take you up on that. matt has to check the new apt out saturday, if he digs it, im moving the next day.

sounds good to me y0 u got my number

I hope it works out for the best. Good luck bud! :slight_smile:

wow, good luck to you John

you didn’t have to dress up…just get in line. lol

I haven’t had a good feeling break-up yet. but then again, I’m usually the one that gets blind-sided by the dumping. Congrats! :tup:




damn 4 years, im on 4 years right now…

oh, we got back together and just bought a house

it’ll all settle in when you don’t get the girls that you thought you could have gotten while you weren’t single. But hey, at least banging strippers is now fair game! :tup:


I think in some cases age plays a large factor

ohh jsut noticed the dates, sweet

how long were you apart for?


I saw this and though, “shit, again?” :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow I remember this thread from way back.

ahahaha… you should so print this thread up and let your g/f read it Jon.

yeah, that would be a great idea