im fucken famous

i was on tv today drunk and showing my belly. fucken oilers rule. ojepr’oin vefjkl.evg

whooooooooooooooooooooooo oilers win.

ya, is that right afer you called me…

i cant wait for cancun… :vom:



Your an animal Jaime!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Next time…


My hometown car club(QCMA-Queen City Motorsports Association) is gonna be on american hot rod in a couple weeks. At the car show we were doing autoslalom demo’s and doing ride alongs for 2 bux(camp easter seals), we ended up making over 1000 dollars for charity(that’s alot of ride alongs). Well anyways, Boyd was in Regina for the car show(making over a nova for a contest winner), and his wife came out for a ride along and the camera crew was in the back of the car filming. They had to do like 6 ride alongs in a row to get all the footage they needed. But it’s gonna be on American Hot Rod. Too bad I didn’t have my car running at the time. I just drove buddies 85 corolla all weekend(I want one after this weekend, one of the funnest cars I’ve driven in my life). Either way it’s not bad for a club with only 20 official members. We also do like 10-15 autoslalom events a year at the lumsden Kart track(awesome track, 2 lanes wide and almost a km long). We also do rally events and ice racing events in the winter. Check out .

what does this have to do with me being famous?

I sense some thunder stealing!! lol

It was a famous post, sorry to steal your thunder, just thought it would be nice for other ppl to start telling their famous stories too, since almost everyone has one. No hard feelings. If you want I can remove the post, and start another thread.

nope dont givea afuck just found it odd.

Now now, play nice tiger.