I'm hooked on Ninja Gaiden.

Haha, I dont know how many times I was in the middle of a boss fight or going through a tougher part of the game and i literally had to pause the game because my fingers just couldnt keep up anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

haha thats funny. i never had to pause the game lol. heres the big question of the day. for who has played the game, gotten good at it. who was the toughest boss for you?? rawr

Alma on Level 7. Fucking used like 3 great spirit elixirs and all my devil elixirs just to beat her :mad:

This sucks, some dudes just ran off with my tv and now i cant play until tomorrow :cry:

rofl alma was easy for me. gg level 3 sword. and i blame kennar for stealing your tv. he stoled my mothers van to. what a faggot


Hmm, hardest boss for me was the second version of Alma (spider). I used EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING in my items list.

I bought this game today, you just cannot find this usedā€¦

Ah, so thatā€™s why you were absent from the NYSpeed DVD release party :wink:

Yeah, he called me and was all excited, I bet he is probably breaking his first controller right about now :wink:


fuck that, i telneted in to the xbox and took mem dumps to find the inventory locationā€¦ i start the game with all the bling :slight_smile:

only when i finish r6 will i buy this game :slight_smile:

well then hurry up already :smiley:


wasnā€™t your momā€™s van :noob: but def huge :tup: to the ninja gaiden :slight_smile:

I just downloaded the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma on PS3.

It seems really cool. The graphics are awesome and I can definately see how you would break a controller playing this game.

I got my ass handed to me by the boss at the end of the level. I guess I will have to keep trying.

Anyway, the game is fantastic.

i still havenā€™t gotten around to buying this ( or selling my 360 ).

but i want it. :frowning:

god i love this game, time for a break

I hate those giant worm things that come out of the wall. :bloated:

The worms are a piece of cake. Itā€™s all timing and making sure minions donā€™t get in the way.

god damn it, i think im going to go play now