Dead Island:

The game to get right now. If you like gore, zombie, running for your life scared type games you’ll love this game. Without ruining the game for you, you start on an island(duh) and do a bunch of shit to move up in the game. Later on you go “somewhere else” and it’s fucking awesome.

It’s Dawn of the Dead meets Fallout 3

JVG quit being a bitch and play the game. I’ve had ZERO problems with it.

And yes I’m up at 5:30am playing it :lol

I’ll be renting for sure.

to long of a game to rent. Ill pay it more when some more patches come out.
They still have a lot of fine tuning to do but the save issue with save roll back is annpying. Ill play my other games that save right until they fix this

Its a pretty widespread issue on all consoles and pc. They need to just put in an option to manually save.

I’m up to level 21 and have not had any of those issues :dunno guess I’ll see when I start the ps3 back up in a few hours

Game is so much fun though. I’ve got some electrocuting-modified machete’s that I throw at the zombies and they stick in their face, then electrocute them and all surrounding zombies.

Next mod is exploding throwing knives :excited

Fuck, I’m gonna have to buy this for PC aren’t I…

I was really interested in this game. I think its the PC version that has most of the bugs, but they are saying it set record for the highest number of first day patches and bugs in the entire gaming industry. People who bought the game on PC via Steam actually got the entire developers pack and could fly around and create thing and shit. lol

Development for Dead Island:

I’ve been thinking about getting this game. I’ve been watching gameplays of it. To me, it’s quite honestly Borderlands with zombies. This is the type of game I could waste a year of my life in.

Game is stupid fun. I’ve been playing for 360 constantly, and I haven’t noticed any issues at all really. I’m level 16 or 17 right now.

I think my favorite weapon is actually using the propane tanks and throwing them, it’s just so amusing. Vehicles are fun to kill with too. The guns in the game suck I think, and I hate how they name them. They look to all be Berettas though.

Fuck the Wifey, I’m buying this shit tonight! :stuck_out_tongue:

damn, just went to best buy, they said it sold out the day it came out, wasn’t expecting that.

I’m probably further then you and I had to repay like 3 hours of it. Haven’t had any of the saving demons lately, knock on wood.

What’s further jackass. I’m at level 24

This game has loads of potential but the jackass of a game developer pushed it release before they worked the bugs out. I just read the person in charge of marketing that gave the go ahead was just shit canned from the company after the release. I would recommend that potential buyers wait a month. I just shelved my copy for a bit due the the 5 time the autosave fucked up. lost 4 hours of play went from chapter 10 back to 8 and level 30 back to 25. fuck that. Right after there stupid update which didnt fix anything reset in progress trophy/achievement progress.

That was too be expected. The trophy/challenge progress reset is bullshit, because there are now trophies that are going to be unavailable because of this. The game saving issue you’ve been having I’ve yet to experience, but the autosave feature is a total crock. It’s annoying that it only saves after a major event, and just trying to get it to save can be annoying. They definitely need either a manual save, or a timed autosave like most other games that saves every ~10 minutes of gameplay.

It’s still a fun game. And I did find out what those skulls were for, or at least one of them. I found two more, making brown, blue, orange, and purple. They give you some special weapon mods using rare stuff(diamonds for example) and $10000 price. Have to put the skulls on these like evil shrine looking things.

You’ve got me sold… buying asap

Ima gonna have to come over JVG’s house and watch him play it for hours :lol

Gameplay videos seems like a blast but from description that picture above describes the game perfectly.

Kinda interested. I bought Borderlands when it was on sale on Steam, have yet to actually play it though. /Red

he might not play it for awhile because he keeps having issues on the game saving.

i’d wait and see if they work the bugs out. they ruin the game experience its already cost to upper execs at the developer their jobs. lol