Dead Island:

What kind of bugs?

Game saves issues is the big one. you can google it. They have experience 20% of games sold returned already. They don’t know why its happening and their attempt to fix it just screwed up more shit (resetting in-progess trophies and xp challenges). Theres a list of minor stuff such as freezing issues, framerate issues, and some gameplay stuff such as weapons switching themselves.

some issues are their.

Damn… guess il hold off. Im a big fan of zombie stuff

Just went out to get it, sold out everywhere…wtf! Didn’t think this would be a huge hit…

When the game is working, it’s epic. As JVG said it EASILY had the potential for game of the year without question, but the continued issues really bring the game down and many places went form an 8+ rating to 4 or less due to the issues… The no-saving issue is the big pain in the ass for alot of people. Nothing worse than working 2+ hours at something only to have it revert back to where you were previously because the game failed to save properly.

Many of them were petty issues, close to some odd 40 bugs/glitches were address with the first patch that was released on Friday, however it did not address the saving problem on PS3 and as Jon said fucked up the trophy progress to those who already had quite a bit completed. Makes it impossible to get all the trophies now, which is a prime requirement for a game to be on the PS3 and run with PSN. That’s the one big issue that has affected me as I’m one to go get every trophy in a game.

Give it a couple weeks and see what happens before getting too far into the story mode.

you should of asked to buy one of the numerous returns they are getting back.

I’m not sure that would be the best idea lol

Don’t buy the game right now. The no save thing just happened to me and erased 50% of the “save” time I had, plus reset all the trophy/challenge progress back to zero AGAIN.

I just deleted all my game progress/save files for the game until they get this resolved and will start over from scratch.

Sucks for you dudes. I haven’t encountered this issue at all.

you will, xbox people have it happen too. I was actually just telling jon yesterday that I had none of the issues, then just tonight had them all happen to me and lost a shit ton of time in the game.

for me to complain about glitching it has to be severe. I played through fallout 3 and all the expansion packs with those glitches and had little issue with them. dead islands glitches make the game unplayable. As one person put it best, it’s as though you’re playing an old sega/nintendo game that you couldn’t save at all. If you turned the game off before beating it you had to start all over

I want this game, but I guess ill wait for the bugs to get fixed.

Same here. Looks real fun but I heard there are still some bugs that make later levels impassable

Not a SINGLE copy exists south of Albany. I checked from Kingston all the way to Hudson.

got the last one from walmarts in EG on friday.

thought i was noticing some strange issues with the autosave. wish it gave u the option of saving on your own.

I haven’t lost huge amounts of progress, but i don’t play for hours and hours at a time so maybe when i do lose something, its not much.

can’t they fix that shit with updates? i don’t usually play online anyway because of my shitty connection… which does a lot to kill the game right there.

Hmm sounds like something i should look into buying

where are the freaking guns man!!!

I’ve heard they plan on doing some updates for all of the bugs.

You and I both, but with Gears 3 next week…I might wait.

From my understanding, you need to get levels 35+ before guns show up. But all the playthroughs I have watched, people are still only like level 10’s.

hate to say it but its getting a bit repetative bashing in zombie heads, i needs some guns.

it is a fair to compare this to fall out 3 actually, but i think the landscape of fall out is considerably more robust

also, unlike fall out you can’t just kill whomever you want. i like to be able to bash in the heads of the innocent if i find them too annoying.

i am playing with the black chick and every now and then she whips out a revolver for a few seconds.

not even sure what i’m doing to make that happen lol

Act 2 in the city arou.d level 18ish