im in love


i just read what i accidnetly wrote

i meant wouldnt rattkle can it

i woud never take a rattle can to my 180sx, no way on gods earth, especially when i have the money to have it painted

you know what i meant smartass lol

that skyline looks good

I think i did a pritty good job on my car with a spray can.

See it ant too bad—>

I am going to stick to my real paint, keep that rattle can away

i painted my car rattle can and i love it!

Does anyone have actual specs of this car?
Wheels? Kit ?

where can you buy basf paint? Im liking this (not the car, the paint)…
Carizzma white with blue pearl paint
Also does basf sell other kinds of paint? I mean like this one ^isnt a flat colour…

this isn’t the “what is rice” thread.


Tos anybody Notice what a MAssive truck sized turbo that little Honda has?

oh and that pearl white is nice reminds me of my old car.