who likes it and who hates it.
you can hate all you want i dont mind, and you can heart <3 all you want, let me know what you guys think , im still iffy on it.

and i just love this one
thanks for your opinion
who likes it and who hates it.
you can hate all you want i dont mind, and you can heart <3 all you want, let me know what you guys think , im still iffy on it.
and i just love this one
thanks for your opinion
gay !!!
kev (kevburgler says): fucking hotness bro.
note too lazy too log into my account on wil’s computer /note
I like, very unique!
Looks like chalkboard paint i’d rock it
Go back to HAK GWAI!!
Paint is hot, I love it, but tell whoever John Kim is to practice more. His HDR attempt is fuckin weak.
this color is sickk i am so down with it!!! but the car wouldnt mind one more code i think…
lameeeeeee go back to hard parking lol jkjk
the color is better then the flat black… but wuld loook alot sweeter in real paint
Definitely better than Flatblack. It’d be cool to write on your car with Chalk, you should provide some chalk so that people can write stuff and draw stuff on your car. Now that would be original.
lol good track colour street not so much
Looks wicked man told you already. I can’t wait to see my car when its done.
Can’t possibly make a sil front end look any uglier so its good.
I like it… but I’m a sucker for green.
lol, thanks you guys. i like how everyone has to throw down some hate then say joking.
solarian as for that hdr or w/e that pic is, if its a fail to you or not i think its teh sheit!
I’m not diggin it. I think it looks like poo. But, that’s just because I hate greens. And matte colours don’t always look hot either… Unless they’re done right.
Just my opinion
Although, I can’t really be to harsh because I have a multi-coloured car.
I also agree with Solarian. HDR skills kinda weak in that pic. Not horribly though.
Chris you never went beside the tank to take the pic!
Like your game?
Looks hawt, my car’ll be similar but cooler
Looks better than flat black but still man kinda looks cheap…but hey its your car…and there are worse for sure.