Flat Black 4L

i got tired of my 3 shades of red and decided to do flat black, what do you think of the results???

What did you use?

It looks Very Blotchy?

What the heck is 4L?

agreed////, when we did andrews both times it turned out FAR better. it came out very consistent and we did it in december.

ah i dunno man, thats bait. u should have gone satin or semi gloss at least.

it only looks blotchy cause i didnt clean off the paint dust, it looks good in person

The only thing I could think of is “For Laughs” :dunno:


its alright…

what was wrong with the original paint? really messed up?

im doing body work and just sprayed a random red over the factory red, it faded over time and i couldnt stand it, i still have to wet sand it, but i will post up some better daytime pics later. 4L stands for for life, (sarcastic)

The flat black accents your rusty spoiler mounts.

ha it looks like its covered in black fuzz

I figured you’d used 4 litres of paint…

not my taste but, to each his own

so wet sand that shit and good job :slight_smile:
post up pics when it is done

^^ that doesn’t even gramatically make any sence.

I don’t mind flat black. It does give the impression the car is a work in progress tho. I would assume that this is a first stage as you’re wet sanding this in preperation for more paint ? perhaps you should block sand it first and find out where any dip dents or high points as and smooth out the surface re-prime and go from there. it’s a lengthy process but I beleive you will be happy with the extra time you put into it.


eech, badmove I think.
I think this went out of style a yr ago.
Car looks like cheap velvet or something, andy’s car looked better in flatblack.
Coats look kinda splotchy.

All you superficial people can go look at your own cars… :shock:

I like it, but then again it looks sorta familiar… :wink:


didn’t your mothers ever tell you its what’s on the inside that counts… :yumyum:

Personnally I find that I don’t get pulled over as much in flat black as I did in a white S13, and a Green S13 (with gold rims…hella’ flashy)

strong words from “Dankman420”, what are you doing with the dank’ness? its bad for your health! :twisted:

it only looks blotchy because there is a layer of paint dust sitting on it
im going to wetsand and see where i stand ill snap some more pics

What’s on the outside counts too.

A built up motor in a rusted out shell doesn’t do it for me.


and I love it

i have the most rust free shell you will ever see, i just dont like the spray painted red over the factory red, its just temp. untill i get other things sorted out ( like a new master cylinder for the clutch 58USD!!)

I hate people sitting on my car, and painting it flat black seems to attract that.