Flat Black or Satin Black?

Hey SONers

Im new to the painting scene but have been reading a little bit lately and I was thinking about doing Flat Black or Satin Black on my hatch. The current paint on it is chipping off due to a cheap paint job that the previous owner got done, so I want to change it as a temporary paint job until I can afford a real paint job.

So I have some questions to get started…

What grid should I start off with when sanding the car down and what grid should I stop at?

What kind of brand primer should I use and how many coats of primer/paint to lay?

How long do I have to wait between each coats?

Should I use spray cans or a paint gun?

What other materials do I need to start the prep

As I said above, the paint job is just temporary so it doesnt really matter how its gonna turn out in the end but I still want a half decent job done. Any advice/tips is appreciated.

Thanks guys!

quick question, is it just the clear peeling or full peel to surface?

its a full peel to the surface

Well, for sanding im not too sure what grit is best. so another member will have to chime in.

For primer just use anything really. Primer just allows the paint to stick better. As long as you prep the surface very thoroughly your paint will look good. Time between coats can vary. Make sure you have a clean environment (no dust, crazy wind, etc.) But just wait till the paint is dry (not sitcky). Use a spray gun if you have access to it, but if not spray paint does the trick for a temp job.


lmao …for my flat black i didnt even care …like …i flat blacked mine just ran sand paper over for one second just to rough it up(dont remeber the grit but it was fine) and sprayed down flat balck and it looks great ill show pictures

like i would recommend using primer …like mine has stuck and has made it threw winter and isnt chipping really but .like you best to use primer when i put mine on it was just gunna be temporary i didnt car …but i kinda love it lol

Explore Braden Mcelwaine

take a look thru thats krylon flat black i used 4 cans

krylon 6 cans satin black

Man, I knew a few people talked this way, but has it really gotten to the point of typing like this as well?

Like, are you in Highschool?

Braden it looks super uneven. the hood looks like its 3 different shades of blacks…

Ps. Thats the largest wheel gap I have ever seen on a 240. haha

^ I was just about to say the exact same thing, very visible and not even

ya get 6 maybe even 8 cans to play it out safe

then you can have extra for touch up’s later if you have some left over

primer is not always neccesary if you give the car a decent sanding.

start with 200 grit to rough it up, then a 400 grit to smooth it out and away you go with painting your car black. should last a while though as we have done this to a few cars for a local friend and it always works out good.

ps don’t buy that 2 dollar paint it does not cover at all.

I remember reading an article called flat black terror years back. Dave Coleman recommended putting the spray cans in a bucket of warm water and letting them sit for a bit. Apparently it sprays better and makes life a bit easier. Just putting it out there.

^ definetely. paint will flow alot better.

I’ll have to re-do my flat black paint this summer. I’ll try Krylon, used tremclad last year.

What wheel colour do you guys think would suit a flat/satin black car? My battles are still baby blue from when I bought them off Jlee.

If you want the car to look cheap, paint is flat/satin black. Otherwise just wait and give it a real paint job.

well it is cheap it cost like 40$ to paint your car…when i did it i just kep a can in the glove box…whenever i scratched it or something i painted that part whereever i was…if your broke its not that bad

It may look cheap, but it can still look pretty badass. You also have to consider the fact not everyone has the same level of “disposable income”.

A $40 flat black paint job or any rattle can paint job vs. $4000 paint job(max, not saying all good paintjobs have this pricetag).
IMO i’d rather spend the $4000 on other car parts.

I’d rather do a vinyl wrap, or just leave it with beat paint (if you saw any of the e30’s I used to own, you’d understand). Flat black just looks like you forgot to do something, unless it’s on an exotic.

yeah it will look cheap, but the paint is chipping off already, like I can take a piece off it with my nails. it also depends how you prep the car and want the flat black/satin black to finish like in the end… it can look shitty or it can look pretty badass just for a temporary paint.