Flat Blacking my car

I wouldn’t do this till after winter but I’m wondering if anyone has a rough estimate of what it would cost to have my car done in flat black by a professional (or someone who wouldn’t do a blotchy job)? Figured I’d ask here before I start making phone calls.


Oh yeah, it’s a Neon.

Bro this fad is over. Don’t do it.


yeah screw fads I still like a properly done flat black or flat white car. provided the body lines are good for it.

Well I wanna do it the right way and not like most of the flat black cars that look rattle canned. I think my car would look really clean with it once I remove the side molding on the doors and make the body look smooth.

What is it?

A skittle.

jesus…no paint is going to help a neon


If you want it done right then get a price quote at a pro shop. otherwise your chances of it just looking like a rattle can job are gonna be high.

“by a professional”
The point of chalk-boarding your car is because it’s a cheap and easy way to do it in the driveway, you don’t have a pro do it.

pm me if youd really like to have it done, ive already hooked up a few members on here with the same paint job, i didnt do it personally incase anyones wondering

:lol: Good lord. Just take a dump on the hood. It will look just as good.


No, that’s how Civic owners do it.

3-5k is what i would do it for…

If done correctly, the cost is going to be similar to a normal spray job if not more. I actually think the clear used with matte paint is more expensive than basic stuff. You probably could get away with using the ppg dpf 90 primer or whatever its called for about half the price- maybe 85-100 for materials and 4-600 for labor

Ic, the reason why I considered it is because not only did I think it would look good, I figured it would be way cheaper than a regular paint job but I guess not.

It’s a 2000 and the current paint is still fantastic for a 10 year old. Shines GREAT when waxed. The only times I’ve seen a same year Neon with a better condition paint job, it was being garage kept and/or driven by an old lady, lol.

So if it’s not cheaper than a regular paint job, then screw it and thanks for the tips guys.

rustoleum. roll that shit, its alot of work but you can do it for like 150$ complete

flatteners in the paint and clear are going to be rather delicate, once you scuff it at all, or touch the paint it’ll have a gloss… and then you can’t get it to go flat again. rattle can it satin black as it’s easier to apply without the dry spots that look like ass on flat’d hondas all the time.

The current paint job is too well for an amaetur attempt. I’d be really pissed if it turned out like shit. If it was rusting or had clear peeling then I would try it the cheap way.

For that much I can drop the SRT4 drivetrain into my car and smoke your vette… but you’d probably get scared and use teh NAWZ.

I kid, I kid :slight_smile:

For that much I can drop the SRT4 drivetrain into my car and smoke your vette… but you’d probably get scared and use teh NAWZ.

I kid, I kid :slight_smile:

fuck the haters. its your car do what you want.
but its true. the point of this paint job is so you could do it in your drive way cheap.