Spray Can Paint Jobs.

For those that have done it:

How did you pull it off?
How many cans needed?
Time taken?

I’m think of flat black (like everyone else), two tone (black on top, with an olive/greenish on the bottom), or a super secret paint job (to be revealed later).

3 hours. taped it, used razr blades. 7 cans of flat black. Looks like it could use 3 more cans in some thin spots. used an automotive repair garage. no primer, I don’t want it to stick forever. Used scothbrite pads to scuff old paint. flat black enamel

go with the flat black/sivler green bottom (terragone saturn colour), you seen it, you love it. Mine is in a junkyard now.

here’s a tip. Grab a bucket of hot (not boiling) water and submerge your spray cans it it before painting. The heat will expand the gas and give you a much finer and more accurate spray.

Good point, I forgot to add that in. We did this, but I had to wait 45mins cause they unplug they’re water heater (where i did it)

i’ve done it.

my old car, 89 taurus SHO.

rubberized flat black rockerguard, ( i copied jantos)

8 cans, no primer or enything before hand haha

it took like 10 hours cuz i did a nice job, but u could do it in an hour if u didnt care.

Ugh. Don’t do it. Its not worth it. You WILL regret it.

ya i liked your blueeeee paint :stuck_out_tongue:

the key to doing it is prep the surface well, scuff it and then then wash it down VERY well, use blue towel cloth. get yourself some silicone removal wash as well, just in case you have some odd crap on there that TSP or regular base cleaner won’t remove… spray 2 coats, colour black with 600 ( use the yellow hand held foam sanding tool from Crappy tire as a cheap but good tool, spray another two coats, repeat then lay on sucsessive layers where you bring the sanding grip up to 1200 or so… by this time you can get out the buffing wheel and go at it with polisher… big problem with spray can paint is it’s soft and it takes time to cure up befor eyou can sand it well … too soon and it’s gummy…

Ooh, someone sticky this, I’m saving it in a word document for when I do my bumpers :slight_smile:

He’s gonna do flat black ( :roll: )… probably rubberised. He wont want to be polishing that, or even doing sanding :lol:

spray can = no prep…

wtf my whole car is canned… no prep…

step 1: wash car

step 2: rattle can the bitch

step 3: done

easy as pie


attack of the SSC paint jobs… oh the humanity…

Flat Black

  1. Wash Car.

  2. Mask and Tape

  3. Spray

Flat Black Rubberized Paint

  1. Mask and Tape

  2. Spray

No need to wash :wink:

my opinion is to just wait and get a real paint job…

dont waste your time and money with spray cans.

^^^^ what he said !! please dont make our beloved 240 look like a a pos on the roads !! save up get a half descent job .

im mad max bitches…


So Cal what are you saying, I should’nt do mine then? What about all the paint we bought? :lol:

A few quick questions to the painting experts here.

I have a scrape mark on my rear bumper, slid a liiiiiittle to close to a pole and scuffed the paint, and I want to paint just that part.

So what’s the best way to do so without sanding the WHOLE dam thing? Can I sand the area smooth and then build it up with scratch filler primer, then paint and then clear coat? Also, what’s the best way to tape it off so that Im not getting paint anywhere else, do I tape right at the spot or leave some room so it looks even with the rest of the bumper?

I totally agree that there should be a “Sticky” on spray painting your car in the HOW TO section. Someone should do a write up and then other people can also add what they did and how it turned out. We could also post pic’s too. Sure a REAL paint job is the best but for those who can’t afford it right away can at least make there car look good again.

Well thanks for the help guys.

just paint over it.

if i got a scuff… paint over it, sractch? paint over it… want a pink polkadot? paint that shiz on


I would not suggest a rattle can paint job unless you have no other way to cover up bare metal.

Well the rear bumper is the only real scratch mark on the car that needs to be painted. I am not painting the entire car either. I just have a new hood and fender to paint as they were red.