need car painted?

Im seriously thinking about spraying cars? After my tremclad experience im damn impressed. This is not automotive paint but has been done many times long before any of us were born. You can check out

           The only thing i do diffrently is i spray it on with a paint gun.  Id preffere the bodywork be done with by yourself as it takes a long time to do its messy i hate it and you could save yourself a few bucks.  It increases the value of your 240!! its rust paint! outer shell wont rust :roll:  Theres not too many colour can get CT to mix up your own batch w/e colour you want.  

         Id just scuff up the paint to give the tremclad something to stick to...spray a bunch of layers of the base..primer should be used if its a light colour.  I can also clearcoat the car with tremclad clear.  after that allow the car to dry for a few days before wetsanding with 1500 and then 2000 and using rubbing compound followed by polish/scratch remover then meguires ultra fine scratch remover and finaly wax to bring out the shine.  

        Im going to say 750ish basic spray.  What you get is a gallon of paint..ill spray the car with many many coats so when i wetsand ill never come near going threw the paint.  that covers the rubbing compound and polsihers and wax and sandpaper.  Works out to me making 10 a hour and downtime on the car in the garage would be 1-2weeks tops.  I still have school so id be getting 1/2 days to work on the car.
       Im only posting this to see how much interest i can get.  So far ive got two people, one seriously interested.  Heres how well my 1st tremclad paintjob went.  btw i can add pearl into the paint.

u did ur whole car w/ tremclad paint? thats an amazing result

With the exception of the roof. It was already black.

devon is a friend of mine, and honestly…he does amazing fricking work…all he does is customize his 240 for his own pleasure and everything he does looks amazing…

at first when i saw this paint job he hadent wetsanded it yet or anything, and i was still impressed…he wetsanded it and it looked even better…now it looks as though hes polished and the results are unbeleivable…you wouldnt even know ur car was painted with tremclad paint…this is a great deal if your looking for a cheap alternative paint job

hes also a great guy to deal with, we have both bought parts off of each other with no problem…

i would recommend this to anyone

Are you coming to the wednesday meet? I’d like to see it in person, but I am interested. How much would you charge for a two tone similar to what you have there? But with no pearl or anything. And does 600 include the wetsanding, polishing, etc?

GOod shit Devin, awesome to see your car looking so good after paint, glad you like it so much that youre willing to do this for other people, makes me feel even better about my outcome to be :slight_smile:

“You sunk my battleship”

fix those wheels and your car is mint!!!

I’m impressed with the results, i might go to you to paint my roof in the near future :slight_smile:

after the wetsand and wax the car is looking good.

Dude has some serious bodywork, and cosmetic skills…

Man, if I had $600 that I didn’t need right now, this is definitely what I’d spend it on. :smiley:

Very nice work!

If you’re still up for painting cars next summer, I should have the cash for it!

Looks great!
i sent you a pm

Ill try to make it out to the meet again, last weeks was awesome. as for two tonne etc etc you let me know what colours, pick out the pinstriping and maybe a few sketches of exactly what you want so i can make the car into what you want to see not what i think should be done.

 for everyone with the wetsanding im going to ask for more..sorry to break the deal of the century but i cant wetsand a car on my own and seek help.  Took a buddy and i 3 days(a good 20+ hours) doing everything except the roof.  Theres a lot more work that goes into the tremclad paints finish vs using automotive paint(which i have never touched...yet)  Real automotive paint sprays on and you bake it, roll it outside wash it and customer picks it up.  Tremclad you have to wetsand..if you get within 10 feet of the car without a wetsand you knotice the nasty orangepeel.  I also didnt take into consiteration i have a roof to paint.  Its too hard to give a set price as everyone wants something diffrent.  Just shoot a pm my way and we can work out a price based upon whats fair.  there are ways of cutting corners to save a few bucks.  if you dont want wetsanding that will save you a bunch but the paint doesnt look all that great...but its perfect for a beater vs flat black or the rubberized stuff..i remember those days...people thought i was a pedifile if they looked at me in my car at a set of lights.

Ah, no worries then, I pretty much wanted it for the wetsanding since it’s such a ridiculous PITA to do.

That hood alone i spent 5 hours on myself with no help. The depth of the orangepeel is far more worse than automotive paint which ends up in a lot of wetsanding. How many here have actually wetsanded tremclad and got that shine out of it? I can only think of one special guy whos posted in this thread :wink: If you feel the price is high share your opinion. Im not argueing i just finished 2 weeks worth of getting my car to look like it does now and know how much work and effort it took. The wetsanding being the hardest of it all. It sure isnt a pita. It took from 9:30pm-1:30am for two guys doing the bumper and fenders. I remember exactly because it was only 2-3 days ago we did this.

That looks wicked man, gotta see it for myself one day.

Why use that paint if you have to spend so much time sanding it?? It wont look good for too long without clear.

Why not just go out and buy car paint??

he has clear on it…

to some people money is more valuable then time, so compare the $50 he spent on the tremclad to the couple hundred he would spend on automotive paint he saved a good couple bucks. to some it would not be worth all the time it took, but to the person trying to get every last drop outta their doller this is a good alternative. Plus its something fairly unique not many people have done it , so i give devin mad tyte, super fly props for trying it and it turning out extremely well.

im really starting to like the lights now that its painted

You Need wheels :lol:

I would totally do that if I had the cash. Let me know if you will be doing this next year.

wow… im extremely impressed with your results. im sure it took soo long, but shows if your determined and hard working you can achieve anything… but yes you def. need wheels