need car painted?

some one get me a set of these wheels and ill paint your car :stuck_out_tongue: The wheels are next in line…i wanted paint 1st.

damn that coupe is hawt

I thought that paint scheme looked familiar;

Nice work!

I remember seeing the flat black version of your car when I went to check out the red 240 and thinking that it was very nice but seriously needed a paintjob, lol.

How much for an old school Pathfinder? 8)

why not try the rolled on paint way? same ammount of wet sanding but the paint is way stronger when it cures

this is done with a roller and lots of wet sanding between 8 coats

As far as im concerned rolling was used only as a technique to keep overspray to a minimum while doing it yourself at home, just so its cleaner, I still think spraying with a gun is a better job.
If I had to chose between spraying and rolling, I would not roll it.

Doba and i were kinda in this together sharing experiences… The rolling method sucked…i attemted it and got too much orange peel…The spray method went on easyer…the mixture of mineral spirits and paint i belive wasnt as important vs if i were to use the roller method. Also spraying aloud me to use pearl in the paint and get it on evenly…you’d never be able to get a even pearl finish rolling. That still looks great! i love the white and cant wait to paint my beater. In the mopar boards the guy who came up with the detailed proccess stated a few times that the finish would come out amazing with a spray gun but he didnt do it because spray=messy…which it really is…but saves work in the longrun. I see the paint drying and hardening the exact same way wether its sprayed or rolled…you still use the same amount of mineral spirits when you spray vs roll… :?

what brand and model gun did you use? and where did you get it? wanna share your experiences with us? :wink:

Let me know what experiences you want to hear about. No clue what brand gun i used only got one pic of it. Its a dirty slut and has been used for evvverything and been passed around threw my big car related family.

This offers good for another month or two…i wont do this in the cold, screw that im a puss boi. Ill be doing this again to one of my cars as well as a 98 integra.

2nd tremclad car that was added to the family
And Recently Toms 240 which i painted all white with a black roof that has blue pearl in it

Im still offering this service as im 70% sure im turning down a offer to go to school in the states in april and staying here to do interior uphostery where im working now. Seasons up for painting cars…screw doing it in the cold unless you’ll pay 2g. I may paint smaller stuff…wheels, skirts lips etc etc over the winter if theres interest.

u still have to paint my skirts and roof biach!

tha tis ultra uber sex!

that is sick

btw here is what i just did for him :stuck_out_tongue: I agree he has to do this. He is currently drooling which means chances are this shall happen :slight_smile: Although I believe he needs wider front fender and a lower offset in the rear.

I remember when I first saw him at the meet with the fresh paint it looked sub-medicore but now… wow… totally awesome!

I STILL have to get MY car wetsanded, polished, etc… (to get rid of that shitty orange peel, to make it more luster,shiny,mirrorish and no my car is not tremclad, but I might consider it in the future.)