Need help painting a car flat black

So far on my list…
Tremclad Flat black (5 cans maybe?)
Rust Inhibitor ( 3 cans)
Sandpaper (dunno what grit yet)

Do i start sanding the whole car with a lower grit to get the original paint off and then smoothen it with a higher grit sandpaper? After im done sanding i liberally spray the rust inhibitor all over, especially in the tight corners.
And sand it down again with a high grit to smoothen it some more, and finally the Tremclad goes on. How many coats of the Tremclad do i need to use?
Any tips and advice is appreciated.

I’m sorry, are you painting your beautiful red 240 flat black?
And i’m guessing you are painting the outside of the car (whatever car it is) right?

Is this a goof or are you serious?!?

when i sprayed mine, i rough sanded the whole car with 180, then wet sanded with 400. Then i primed it grey, wet sanded again and then painted flat black.
Make sure you wipe down the car witha tack rag before painting.

Be very careful with the trimclad black. If you make your coats to thick it will orange peel.

When painting use very thin quick coats, this gives a nice even look instead of the normal stipes. these really show on the larger like the hood and the roof.

Also note, that the shinny black above the door mouldings is vinal so if you want to paint that, you will need a wire wheel, or a sharpened putty knife to scrape it off.

Take yor time with the painting, let it dry and then put your next coat on and it will turn out great.


dude do you have a pc of your car, i want to see what that looks like???

mine, not off hand, but i can get one by the end of the day.

ya man cool, i really would like to see what that looks like

Oh yeah i almost forgot about the tack rag, thanks for the tips. And i’m doing this to my 323 beater come spring. I don’t think my S14 would look good with a flat black paintjob.

the pics will have to wait. Apparently i deleted them off my home pc. I’ll have to take some pics tomarrow after i clean the car(covered in mud) And it’s raining here right now.

An s14 would look mint! I seen this pic of a s14 with a top mount and Volk wheels all painted flatblack. Looks sweet.

It’s a Zenki S14 i think. I meant that my Kouki wouldn’t look as good with flat black. Painting a car flat black adds a certain gangsta effect and the simple lines of the Zenki will be complimented. The Kouki’s front, as mean as it looks, is overdone IMO.

flat black looks ricey IMO…

You look ricey IMO.

the one pic i saw was a kouki i think.

No rice would be a huge aluminum spoiler or a flashy paint job.

FBlack is for the poorman, it just makes anything look mean. You could have a friggin Gremlin and paint it fblack and it wold look kickass.

Just thought I’d throw this in for others to gawk at:

well, i promissed pics, they’re not great, but here they are.

heh, funny, somebody get this guy a mic!

this is one of my favorite corners. it’s out in the middle of knowhere, so i just parked in the middle of the road.

next time i’m up there u gotta show me that :slight_smile:

drop by anytime, i’ll show you all the grat spots up my way.