Hey guys,
Im looking to paint my car mat black, making the car more stealth. Now ive looked into painting cars with a roller and so on so forth, Was wondering if any of you have done this before and what were you steps aswell as results.
Hey guys,
Im looking to paint my car mat black, making the car more stealth. Now ive looked into painting cars with a roller and so on so forth, Was wondering if any of you have done this before and what were you steps aswell as results.
rattle can, don’t roll it
i did this last summer…took about 6-7 cans of tremclad flat black or semigloss as it fades anywayz…and a 12 pack of beer…few garbage bags and some masking tape…only takes about 2-3 hours…not hard at all
heres a pic…after the accident apparently too stealth as the guy didnt see me

What are the benifits of this?
That looks pretty good minus the accident. I think this is the route ill be taking.
yea if you dont have 3-4 grand to spend on a good paint job…35 dollars worth of tremclad is a good deal…just make sure u know how to spray paint get somebody to give u an abc so it looks half decent
Thanks, Luckly i know how to spray paint ive painted wheels and other misc parts. Should be easy breezy.
Thanks guys
rolling it actually works well if done right…heres a link: http://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=2331682&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1
first page about 9 posts down…
ive seen it done and it look awful…but that didnt look bad i just think their is much less room for error with spray
you just need to prep the car right…use a roller for big parts and the foam brushes for tight areas…and you need to thin the paint right 2!!..Do what ever you want its your car…but I personaly think the roller would look better if down right and it wouldn’t chip so easily because tremclad is tough paint.
it wont look like shit
i didnt even prime…just made sure clean
k, WTF? why would anyone even suggest a roller? use something that sprays it on. preferably an airbrush. if you can afford it, the paint, primer, thinner and everything only costs about 3-400. if not use a rattle can. and for gods sakes, don’t roll it on. it will more than likely look like shit.
i’m pretty biased on this as my first 240 was primer gray and the douche had rolled it on. took me 3 days to sand it down it was on there so thick. and it looked like complete ass.
it really depends what kind of look you want to go for. at importfest a couple of years ago i saw this flat black bug eye, it was rollered and the paint was very textured. the thing looked badass, but it also had a lot of other work done to it so you could tell the guy had a clear vision of how he wanted it to look, and i thought it worked for him. but i wouldnt suggest it. i painted my car this summer, and i start out with sanding down the whole thing and using grey primer, but you need to buy a lot of cans. You need to do at least 3/4 layers for the colour to be thick enough to look good. Anyway… after deciding not to spray it, i just bought a big bucket of industrial primer and rollered it. the result wasnt terrible, but i also wouldnt suggest you do this. However, the process did take 10000x less time… for obvious reasons…
I love the budget flat black paint job, I do miss the glossy shine after a fresh car wash though. Tremclad ftw. And it “helps” slow down the rust process.
Here is mine:
I’ll be re-doing it by next summer.
easy job. like any paint job of any value…it’s all in the prep work.
spray steady my friend.
yeah if you can spray good your golden …i have my piggy bumper and my eyelids flat black…and i used krylon just because its my favourite spray paint …im gunna flat black the whole thing till my actually paint is done