Rained all fucking day, dried the car off litterly 20 times. But, here is the good part…I GOT FUCKING LAST PLACE!!! HAHAH! You guys know I’m pretty modest about my cars, but c’mon, I lost to a few mid 70’s cars that were mostly stock.
Good ol’ boys will always getcha in the end… :wtf :gay :gay :gay :gay
That sucks man, i went to a show today at Jack Byrne, was nice till we were 5 mins out and it just came undone. Last place huh? What kinda drugs were they on?! Although i would rather have a 77camaro over a TT C5… :confused :lol
Your car is pretty much a sleeper so most people probably walked right by thinking it was stock.
In that case restored/all original muscle car > stock Vette.
But people need to walk up to the car and look around to see those.
Im guilty of walking right by a late model car that appears stock without a second though, regardless of if its a Vette, Camaro, Mustang, etc sometimes.
I remember about 3 years ago when I had my turbo Scion xB @ a car show, and I lost to a nearly stock xB with altezza tails! My car was clean, nice wheels, lowered (with real quality lowering springs) AND I had a good size front mount, SHEESH!