Truth and they are mostly single men.
This thread is gold… pjb… we need a welfare system. No matter how much you might hate it… we need it. Be thankful its there for you to use I’d something happens to you and you can no longer find a job.
Im pretty sure the welfare system wasnt created as a permanent source of income though. I know it works great for some people because they can get money for nothing, live in public housing and still sling rocks on the street, drive a Navigator and not have to report that income but thats not what it was intended for.
Alright someone has to say it, so I guess it will be me…
PJB you are the typical white trash who works for a living but because he doesn’t want apply and better himself and makes just enough money to pay his bills has to hate on everyone else because you are miserable in your own life. You assume because people have a certain color skin, they are either hard workers or just sit home and collect welfare. You need to get out of your little jelly bubble and actually see what really goes on in the world.
FYI your posts are on par for being as pointless as pitman.
Woah Woah Woah… Purple!!! Nah man fuck purple people!
I’d hardly call PJB white trash. He’s got a job, no kids, is not on public assistance of any kind, is clean, has teeth and doesn’t own a 3rd gen Camaro that is currently on blocks in front of a single wide trailer.
In my line of work I get to see all the food stamp collectors, they are generally of the scummy white variety that smokes generic cigarettes and complains that they can’t use their benefit card on prepared foods to eat on premises. It’s not a meal card you fuckin’ retard, go to a grocery store and get some core items for your family and stop trying to buy a hot eggwich and a rebull to eat at the booth.
What world do you live in?
It’s a 60 month limit in NY, not an infinite one.
They don’t all drive Navigators plus those can be had cheap nowadays.
You make it seem like they live in a lap of luxury on welfare.
People like you and PJB are the reasons immigrants got the jobs in the first place. You think you are entitled to something just because you’re American. The reality of it is, they do a lot of jobs that people in this country frown upon (garbage cleanup, farm work, etc) and they do it for a hell of a lot cheaper than what you would do it for.
So what if you were born here, what right does that give you over anyone else?
I know a large number of people who are unemployed but flat out refuse to work either minimum wage jobs, retail jobs or fast food jobs because that’s “below them”.
Especially if they are already collecting unemployment, in many cases unemployment will pay higher then working full time at a basic job.
You ponder on that.
Brown Pride is a gang and a huge one
As for the whole “pride” tattoo issue. The view from the top is pretty good so unless you want to stoop to their level getting a white pride tattoo probably isnt the best idea.
The slogan has been used by mestizo Latinos to denote a feeling of self-respect, celebrating one’s heritage, and being proud of one’s personal worth. Brown pride as a national movement is closely linked with the developments of the American Civil Rights Movement, during which noted figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, A. Philip Randolph, Stokely Carmichael, and others protested the conditions of the United States’ segregated society, and lobbied for better treatment for non-whites. This time in the United States also saw the creation of brown pride movements such as the Chicano Movement and La Raza advocating brown pride.
Mixed martial artist Cain Velasquez has “Brown Pride” tattooed across his chest but has stated in media interviews that his tattoo represents his Mexican heritage and is also a way for him to honor his father and family.[1]
Being born here means everything, it gives me protected rights under the constitution and it’s the only argument I need. Can I just go to France and start randomly working at a Cafe’? No Because I need working papers. Can I just walk into a middle eastern country? No I’d be shot on the border or thrown in jail.
If they want to come to this country then do it legally like the millions of immigrants before them. Your “reality” is a liberal talking point. The jobs they take are ones Americans want and need. When I was a teenager I did farm work and a slew of crappy jobs but you know what it instilled a strong work ethic in me and taught me the value of a dollar. Doing it for alot cheaper means absolutely nothing as well since what they take from this country in terms of social aid far exceeds what they pay in which is nothing in terms of taxes.
So you’re right I do think I’m entitled to something just because I’m American and that’s why people flock here from all over the world so they can take part in what it feels like to be an American. I welcome them with open arms too as long as they go through the legal process and assimilate into our culture not the other way around.
Also, I have to agree with Vlad’s statements here.
IMO, our country is in for a rude awakening. And all those mexican workers people hate so much, guess what… those dudes wait on the side of the road for jobs, early as fuck just for work. I know people who won’t work at a Starbucks because it’s too good for them while they would rather sit at home doing NOTHING. Mexicans keep prices down, and things cheap. I’m not saying it’s right, or a good system but it works for the time being. I think a lot of people have misconceptions how this country actually runs and functions. We have no exports, only entertainment. And it’s not even good entertainment. We won’t survive like this forever.
Tin foil hat time.
What REALLY pisses me off is criminals who murder and rape but we still have to support them in prison until they finish out their life sentence. Massive amounts of money wasted. The criminal justice system in this country is so fucked.
Well to be fair this country was based on illegal break away from the parent country and then hostile take over of land that belonged to natives of Indian and Mexican descent.
These people were born here too
I would much rather have a hard working illegal mexican doing honest labor as a citizen than these spoiled, entitled sue happy wastes of life.
I wasn’t planning on getting a white trash tattoo… just stating.
This was a has hispanic female not black.
whats the difference between a brown pride, black pride, white pride etc tattoo.
I guess if you had a black pride tattoo…that would kind of be looked down on too… but why not brown pride???
I love being white.
False, this country was built on capitalism, not entitlement. The ability to go out and work, create a name for yourself is what this country was founded upon. To say it’s a liberal viewpoint is wrong. I agree that the immigration laws are fucked and that a person should “earn” his/her way in to the country legally. My point is that this entitled viewpoint is what has led us to where we are today. You aren’t entitled to anything. Your constitutional rights mean dogshit today.
This thread is dumb and was unnecessary.
I feel like 98% of the people that would get a “white pride” tattoo, would get it “BECAUSE N*GGER HATE”.
If someone got “black pride”, it could be they’re African heritage they’re proud of, not necessarily because they hate white people. Or maybe they’re proud of how far equality has come since the civil rights era because of people like MLK.
It’s already been said, but there are ignorant people in every race making a bad name for everyone else.
Oh and PJB, stop trying to get attention with your dumb shit. Grow the fuck up.
Trollin’ Nolan ITT.