im not racist but i have a question.

While I was walking through the mall, I passed by a brown person that had a tattoo on their chest that said “brown pride”. Why the Fuck is it ok??? Why is it not ok for me to have a tattoo on my chest that says “white pride”???

Because I want one!!!

Maybe this person hates white people…possibly??? I don’t hate brown people so there for I shouldn’t have a problem if I get the tattoo…

Sorry that bothers me. I’m done.

Bothers me too, it’s just the way it is. “We” could not get away with a white pride tattoo, no fucking way

I’ll go wit ya to get tattoo

It shouldn’t be ok for brown pride either…

Sounds like a good plan

I’m a big guy so I may have to walk around shirtless so ink dries evenly . I hope I don’t offend anyone

I’m sure it won’t offend anyone

Shouldn’t it be “black pride”? I’ve never heard an African American refer to themselves as brown.

Although they’ve been free from bondage for almost 150 years they still think they’re an oppressed race eventhough they have just as many, if not more, opportunities than others. They think the “man” is holding them down eventhough they embrace a culture of crime and violence. They put respect up on a pedestal and demand it above all else while disrespecting everyone else. The list goes on and on and these are just generalizations and do not reflect the race as a whole.


same reason there’s not White Entertainment Channel. It would be racist, unfair and Jesse Jackson would have a tiraid.

Well, you have to look at it this way: Do you know what a pizza can do that that guy probably can’t?


ray, big bear and I will go with you so u dont look so out of place. they would prob think you are our chapter leader or something, lmao!

…i heard that you are racist btw

I am

I wasn’t until I lived in Schenectady for 6 years.

Def raciist

wtf im brown in the summer and white in winter. you fuckers offend me!


I don’t consider myself racist.

I like black people, in fact my brother in law is black, has a 4 year degree and very good paying job and supports his family, and practically rebuilt there house by himself.

However I just HATE N!&&eR$ who can’t take the time to go to college and/or get a real job (selling crack isnt a real job) and sit around and collect welfare.

I think brown pride is a good life choice. Going to get mine now.

I thought brown was usually aimed towards Mexicans.

Anyway I saw a guy with a swastika tattoo on his arm over the weekend.