What if Someone Broke into Your House?

(taken from a email to a SVT forum member)
Well written and to the point. Pass it on because this IS important and
it is our future.

Recently large demonstrations have taken place
across the country protesting the fact that Congress
is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that
the US might protect its own
borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and,
once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand
the thinking behind these protests.
Let’s say I break into your house.
Let’s say that when you discover
me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I’ve made all
the beds and washed the
dishes and done the laundry
and swept the floors. I’ve
done all the things you don’t
like to do. I’m hard-working
and honest
(except for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family’s insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because
he is also hard-working and honest, except for that
breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out,
I will call my friends who will picket your
house carrying signs that proclaim my
RIGHT to be there.

It’s only fair, after all, because you have
a nicer house than I do, and I’m just
trying to better myself. I’m a hard-working
and honest, person, except for well,
you know, I did break into your house
And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a
fraction of the cost of my keep, and
there is nothing you can do about it
without being accused of cold,

uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and
bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND! that you to learn
MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can
communicate with me.

Why can’t people see how ridiculous
this is?! Only in America …if you agree, pass it on (in English).
Share it if you see the value of it.

If not, just blow it off…
along with your future Social Security
funds, and a lot of other things.

links to factual information?

I am not being a dick, I just want to read where this came from, where the poster got his information from on the SVT forums.

I agree that this country was founded on immigration but if people want to be that much apart of this country, become a citizen like everyone else. It’s not fair to the rest of the hardworking Americans who pay taxes or the ones who are unemployed.

^^^ Truth



links to factual information?

I am not being a dick, I just want to read where this came from, where the poster got his information from on the SVT forums.

I agree that this country was founded on immagration but if people want to be that much apart of this country, become a citizen like everyone else. It’s not fair to the rest of the hardworking Americans who pay taxes or the ones who are unemployed.


? I think you missed the point of the letter. It is AGAINST illegal immigration.

I dont know what factual information you are looking for as that is simply a point of view.


^^^ Truth


get off the nyspeed bandwagon and formulate opinions for yourself please


links to factual information?

I am not being a dick, I just want to read where this came from, where the poster got his information from on the SVT forums.

I agree that this country was founded on immagrantion but if people want to be that much apart of this country, become a citizen like everyone else. It’s not fair to the rest of the hardworking Americans who pay taxes or the ones who are unemployed.


:word: I am all about immigration…if it is done LEGALLY! My great grandfather came to the USA from Austria in the early 1900’s. He learned English, worked his ass off, and paid taxes…and was damn proud to be an American. Not come over here illegally and hold protests because he wasn’t treated fairly or as a citizen WHEN HE WASN’T ONE!!! If you want to come here and better your life and your family then welcome aboard. But LEARN ENGLISH AND PAY FUCKING TAXES!!! It makes me sick when I see these illegal’s come over here and instead of trying to better their lives like the millions upon millions before them, they come here and exploit our great country and try to take every little piece of it they can without doing a damn thing to contribute in return. I say ship them all back (the illegal’s), and put up motion sensor turret guns on the border. Fuck this spending billions on illegal’s to have the benefits of American citizens when they don’t even belong here in the first place. They are trespassing, plain and simple. Yet instead of getting the boot, they are given free money. Its sad when an illegal immigrant has more rights and protection in this country than the hard working American that (unwillingly) supports them. But hey, that’s politics. Like the 12 million illegal’s that they just made legal citizens. Dumbest fucking idea. I am so sick of both the Democrats and Republicans right now. The only reason I do not change my status to independent is so I can vote in the primaries. As far as I am concerned, this country is going to hell in a hand basket. We need to get rid of these power hungry SOB politicians and get someone in who gives a flying fuck about this country and how it is being run. Damn I wish we could just clone Theodore Roosevelt. Hands down one of, if not the greatest leaders this country has ever seen.






? I think you missed the point of the letter. It is AGAINST illegal immigration.

I dont know what factual information you are looking for as that is simply a point of view.


Perhaps you didn’t read my post clearly enough. I am not in favor of ILLEGAL immigration. I am in favor of people coming to this country and becoming legitimate citizens. I AGREE WITH YOU!!

You need to settle down a bit and take a deep breath.

hmmm I think we should employ some sort of “running man” scenario with them lol. if they live they earn the right to be here.


Perhaps you didn’t read my post clearly enough. I am not in favor of ILLEGAL immigration. I am in favor of people coming to this country and becoming legitimate citizens. I AGREE WITH YOU!!

You need to settle down a bit and take a deep breath.


I didnt post that with any “rowdy excitement” intended. Maybe I just suck at posting. Anyway I guess I didnt really understand your original post too well.

We have way too many illegal aliens, and an energy crisis.

Has anyone seen a hamster wheel? Think larger scale, and slap on the same generator they have on the windmills. Replace the hamster will illegal aliens. Give them the option of running in the wheel or being deported.

Two problems solved.

JayS for Prez, 2008.

EDIT: They don’t have to run in the wheel forever, just until they’ve earned enough to pay some sort of fine for coming here illegally, and while they wait for their legal immigration papers to come through.


some shit


YEAH goddamn wetbacks be taking my jerbs fucking faggots and immugrents be stealing my welfares



We have way too many illegal aliens, and an energy crisis.

Has anyone seen a hamster wheel? Think larger scale, and slap on the same generator they have on the windmills. Replace the hamster will illegal aliens. Give them the option of running in the wheel or being deported.

Two problems solved.

JayS for Prez, 2008.

EDIT: They don’t have to run in the wheel forever, just until they’ve earned enough to pay some sort of fine for coming here illegally, and while they wait for their legal immigration papers to come through.


as much as it pains me to agree with you, in an abstract way you are on to something. although it seems like we would be reverting back to endentured servants but it would still be better than them (aliens) working b.s jobs an claiming welfare. so some type of program like that to help them get set out while combatting other issues in this country wouldnt be a terrible idea


Im a douche bag!



DIAF ignorant jackass

Im not even American yet I care more about what happens then your fat ass

The reason I made my crazy suggestion is because it’s the only way I can attempt to get to the same level as some of these liberals. Anything short of rounding them all up and kicking them out is completely bullshit. They cry about how this country was founded and built by immigration, but ignore the fact that it was founded and built on LEGAL immigration.

They seem to forget that the stories of immigrants coming through Ellis Island with hopes and dreams of them getting their piece of the American dream did not involve any fence jumping or late night border dashes. They came here, learned the language, and worked hard for their American dream. Simply working hard does not automatically qualify you for citizenship, especially when you’re here illegally.\

That’s what this country was built on, not illegals jumping a fence from Mexico or riding a tube from Cuba.

“Work Harder, millions on welfare depend on you”

The job’s illegal aliens do that supposedly Americans supposedly won’t do, are the jobs people on welfare should be doing.


The job’s illegal aliens do that supposedly Americans supposedly won’t do, are the jobs people on welfare should be doing.


That is the best thing I have heard on this board in a long time, I mean, short of Dawn giving that kid a rusty trombone over the phone.


They came here, learned the language, and worked hard for their American dream.


No they didn’t. Their kids learned the language, while their parents likely spoke very limited English. It wasn’t as much of a necessity as it is today.