What if Someone Broke into Your House?


hmmm I think we should employ some sort of “running man” scenario with them lol. if they live they earn the right to be here.


Hey, if I ever found someone had broken into my home I’d say “hi” with 1¼oz of 00 buckshot.

In all seriousness the influx of Latin-American immigrants to this country is a bit distressing. I see this particular group of immigrants as being very industrious and motivated to succeed in their goals. This coupled with what I view as one of the strongest and fastest growing networks working for social change, means that hispanic peoples could soon be challenging caucasions for social, cultural and political dominance in this country.

Even more significant is the fact that they know what they are doing. Granted the typical illegal Mexican in the US does not consider themselves part of some cultural invasion army, but there are groups within these communities that are just as vehement about replacing our culture with their own as there are xenophobic groups bent on removing everyone with any hint of color in their skin from this great land. Both also have subtle influence on the attitudes of the general population. So, the immigrant mexicans are coming in and populating the areas whites are leaving, because the whites fear the hispanics. Until a common ground can be found socially and culturally this will continue to be the case and no amount of policy will be effective in stopping it.


They cry about how this country was founded and built by immigration, but ignore the fact that it was founded and built on LEGAL immigration.

They seem to forget that the stories of immigrants coming through Ellis Island with hopes and dreams of them getting their piece of the American dream did not involve any fence jumping or late night border dashes. They came here, learned the language, and worked hard for their American dream. Simply working hard does not automatically qualify you for citizenship, especially when you’re here illegally.


No, this country was founded on the genocide of the indigenous people.

You seem to forget stories of countless wars and broken treaties with Native American tribes (you probably know them by the term “Indians”) with hopes of the “American Dream” involved murder and stealing land. They came here, forced religon and language onto the natives. Simply having superior military technology does not automatically qualify Anglos as a more righteous nation.

i have no problem with learning spanish.

I’d like to speak another language.

I just might have to move to California and become a vigilante

I loved the story in the news a few months back where some store owner in one of the border towns had a sign up that said “Only English will be spoken” or something along those lines in his story and the town flipped shit.

Guy kept the sign up tho.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:22,topic:30707"”]

No, this country was founded on the genocide of the indigenous people.

You seem to forget stories of countless wars and broken treaties with Native American tribes (you probably know them by the term “Indians”) with hopes of the “American Dream” involved murder and stealing land. They came here, forced religon and language onto the natives. Simply having superior military technology does not automatically qualify Anglos as a more righteous nation.


You proved my point. All that bloodshed of the Native Americans happened because they didn’t have a good immagration policy and allowed just anyone to come to their country.

Secure our borders now, before we’re all living on reservations and the Mexicans take over.

But seriously, no nation since the dawn of the modern homo-sapien has built it’s borders through peace and negotiation. Borders are drawn in blood, plain and simple. But this is a discussion about how to enforce those borders once they have been established.

There aren’t enough Mexicans in NY for you to form an educated opinion on the value of illegal immigrants and whether they are a drag on the taxpayers. I’m convinced that most people are riled up because they feel like illegals are “getting away with something” and can’t stand it.

But honestly, most of your arguments are completely uneducated xenophobic ramblings designed to play to the basest of human emotions; “don’t you take what’s mine.”

I’ve never heard anyone bitch about how the goddamn Canadians come down here and drive up the cost of our groceries, gasoline, and clothes.

If you want to bitch about how the American taxpayer is getting fucked in the ass, there are plenty of other, more valid arguments.


There aren’t enough Mexicans in NY for you to form an educated opinion on the value of illegal immigrants and whether they are a drag on the taxpayers…


Have you never been to NYC or even Poughkipsee? There are plenty in NY.


I’ve never heard anyone bitch about how the goddamn Canadians come down here and drive up the cost of our groceries, gasoline, and clothes…


Them coming here and buying stuff is good for our economy, because it introduces more money into it. Them coming down here to use our medicaid would be bad.

Let’s get this straight once and for all. Here is the problem with illegals and them working here:
They get paid cash, then they send it back home. That is money that is not taxed, and not spent in the US. This is bad for us. We need to stop this.


Have you never been to NYC or even Poughkipsee? There are plenty in NY.


Yes, have you ever been to NC? How about any of the other states that don’t require a SS card to get a drivers license?


Them coming here and buying stuff is good for our economy, because it introduces more money into it. Them coming down here to use our medicaid would be bad.


But they drive up demand and supply is finite. I don’t even know how it is possible for a Canadian to use medicaid. (or a mexican for that matter)


Let’s get this straight once and for all. Here is the problem with illegals and them working here:
They get paid cash, then they send it back home. That is money that is not taxed, and not spent in the US. This is bad for us. We need to stop this.


Most mexicans give a false SS # and pay taxes. The average illegal only sends %15 of their income out of the country. The REAL problem is that they are willing to work harder, for less money, than unskilled Americans who’s jobs they took, but can vote. This causes our politicians to make a mountain out of a molehill, so we don’t pay attention to what REALLY impacts this country’s future.

Ok, so you want me to not care about a problem with our nation just because it isn’t a problem in my area?

kill em all


Ok, so you want me to not care about a problem with our nation just because it isn’t a problem in my area?


Nope. You’re an American and you can care about whatever you want. If you’re going to make an argument, you should present it with facts instead of rhetoric. I am suggesting that illegal immigration is not as big a problem in this country as politicians would have you believe. I also suggest that if people felt as passionately about the economy of WNY as they do about immigration, there would be more jobs here.


so we don’t pay attention to what REALLY impacts this country’s future.


Sure we do.
-Look at all the media attention directed towards Paris Hilton.
-Didn’t you know that terroist attacks kill more people than preventable traffic accidents?
-I’d love to stick a point in “if took all the money we spent in Iraq on renewable enrgy resource (hydro/wind/solar) this country would be xx% energy independent”, but I don’t have the facts for that…


I am suggesting that illegal immigration is not as big a problem in this country as politicians would have you believe.


Based on what facts??

Maybe you want to wait till 25 Mexicans are standing on your street corner in the morning waiting for some Landscaping truck to drive buy and hook them up with some work for the day.

Just because YOU dont see in doesnt mean its not there.

I’m not buying into the arguement that they are doing the jobs Americans aren’t willing to do. Bullshit. Americans aren’t willing to do them for the cash rate illegal immigrants are being paid, but if they weren’t around these companies would have to pay an American minimum wage.

Boo hoo hoo, every person with a McMansion wouldn’t be able to afford a pool boy to clean their pool, a landscape company to mow their yard, and a maid to clean their McMansion.

There are 20 million illegal aliens living in this country. If you don’t see that’s a real problem you probably failed basic math. Lets say a third of them are working. If you take that 6.67 million people, times 7.50 an hour minimum wage, times 40 hours a week, times 50 weeks a year you get $100,050,000,000 dollars a year in wages. Even if you cut it in half because the demand for certain services would go down if you weren’t paying the workers illegal immigrant wages, you’re still talking about 50 billion dollars. And I don’t believe that “only 15% gets sent back to Mexico” statistic. Many of these illegals are MIGRANT WORKERS. They don’t live here, nor does their family live here. You can’t tell me they’re only sending 15% back.

I don’t want to close the border and become some isolationist state. But I do want people coming through the door after being invited, not sneaking in over the fence and then claiming they have rights to be here.




Ah yes! Loitering is becoming epidemic. We can’t have these Mexicans standing on every corner. Take action now, write your congressman. Lets not worry about funding social security or the budget deficit, we have to ship all the Mexicans back before they’re standing on YOUR corner.

I lived in rural NC for 3+ years. I MAY have seen a couple Mexicans. My wife MAY have taught the children of illegal immigrants. I MAY have yelled at their kids in Spainish at WalMart for running around out of control because it is the coolest thing they’ve ever seen. Perspective is not my problem.

I don’t think that Americans aren’t willing to do them, I think the Mexicans do a better job for less money. I don’t know where you get the idea that all Mexicans are paid in cash. I would like to point out that it is illegal for an American company to employ an illegal alien. It is also illegal for an American company to pay less than minimum wage. This being the case, why do we blame the federal government for not keeping them out?

Do you think there are 20 million untaxed jobs where employees are paid in cash in this country? Your numbers would mean that illegals earn 1/8th of Mexico’s entire GDP.

NPR Talk of the Nation, I think the story was called The Economics of Illegal Immigration. They also said that once workers come here, they rarely return to Mexico. So while they may be migrant workers, they’re not going back to Mexico.


NPR Talk of the Nation…


If you get to quote NPR, I get to bring out Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly. :smiley:

I simply cannot understand why someone would want to defend illegal immigration. It’s irrational. If you feel that we have a healthy flow of immigration and approve of the influx of foreign nationals into our country, fine that is your opinion. But, to proceed to excuse illegal activity is insane.

Let’s run-down what results from rampant illegal immigration

  1. Crime - Not necessarily from the people coming over either (so relax I’m not racist). Instead I’m referring to the people that are bringing them over. The smuggling rings of drug dealers and the like, taking advantage of these desperate people and often times Mexican’s coming over the boarder illegally find themselves in a sort of indentured servitude to these people once they are here.

  2. Our inability to control our borders is extremely dangerous in light of our current international situation. Yes, I’m referring to the threat of terrorism. I wish we weren’t in the situation we are in, but we are and there are many people in the world that would love to do harm to Americans on our soil. It would be nice if we could prevent this, yes?

  3. Economy. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from American’s. They are not being taxed on their income and are using our public services such as schools, healthcare, welfare, filling prisons etc without contributing back into the system. The farming industry will not implode if we stemmed to flow of illegals or even reformed the system to allow amnesty. I’m sorry if the huge corporate farms wont be making as many millions. They already recieve obscene subsidies from Uncle Sam to guarantee a profit.

I could go on, but you get the idea.


Legal Immigration is good. Illegal Immigration is BAD