I guess this just about sums up illegal immigration

[font=Tahoma][color=green][font=‘Comic Sans MS’][size=5][/color][/size][/font][/font]
[font=Tahoma][color=green][font=‘Comic Sans MS’][size=5]Since hearing the plan for treating illegal immigrants as “guest” workers, I now have undergone a complete reversal in my understanding of the proper meaning of words. I stupidly believed the definition of “guest” is one who is invited. Now I’m told this is no longer correct. For instance, if a burglar breaks into my home, he really becomes a guest who is only looking for a better life. Because he broke in for that reason, I must accept the obligation to provide him with living quarters, health care, education, and transportation. He has as much “right” to my house as I do, but I have to pay taxes he doesn’t; because the government doesn’t really know he is a “guest” in my house and I am not allowed to turn him in. He will get preferential treatment because he is a “guest” in my house, yet I can not say anything against him. If I do vocalize my feelings, I must attend “sensitivity” training because I just don’t understand how to accept my “guest” and his customs/religion/culture, etc. I am also required to learn his language so that we may communicate. It is not necessary for him to learn mine because he is a “guest” in my house. I am not allowed to wave my flag, but he may fly or wave his flag anywhere he chooses, because he is my “guest”. I am required to subsidize his family and provide for his family’s needs. When I get paid, I must give a portion of it to him in the form of welfare and food stamps so he can get his food and supplies free and at reduced prices. Because any money he makes is all his, he can buy the luxuries for his family that I can not afford for my family, but I have to be OK with that because he is now a resident in my house.
[/color][/size][color=red]I feel SO much better - now that I understand![/color][/font]


:tup: that is prety much what it is too.

Now waiting for Joestypes to chime in and rip that appart with his amazing autistic logic.

Link to facts? I am not allowed to fly a flag? I am not allowed to vocalize my feelings against illegal immigration without attending sensitivity training? Illegals can collect welfare?

I was under the impression that “can” and “not” should be combined to form the compound word “cannot.”

How ironic that the bitch’s pearl drops of wisdom come with a mistake that is common among native Spanish speakers who are learning English. Compound words are not as frequent in Spanish as they are in English.

The definitive guide to spelling and grammar (the presence of lack of a squiggly red line in Microsoft Word) says “cannot” is OK.

“can not” = no
“cannot” = yes



Both cannot and can not are acceptable spellings, but the first is much more usual. You would use can not when the ‘not’ forms part of another construction such as ‘not only’

As for the original post. Bleh. I can sum up the illegal alien thing by simply putting the proper ephasis on ILLEGAL.

ummm illegal immigrants can come over and CANNOT be denied health care. thats bs.

All I know is that my dad came to this country LEGALLY.

They should do the same.

Legal = :tup:
illegal = :tdown: :tdown:

Okay. So he/she still managed to use it incorrectly.

whole lotta redneck in here