If you cross the north Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard
> labor.
>> if you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained
> indefinitely.
>> if you cross the afghan border illegally, you get shot.
>> if you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
>> if you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard
> from again.
>> if you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy
> and your fate will be sealed.
>> if you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into
> political prison to rot.
>> if you cross the u.s. Border illegally you get a job, a drivers
license, social security card, welfare, food stamps, credit cards,
subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house, free education, free health
care, a lobbyist in Washington and in many instances you can sue the American govt and people for infringing on your culture and religious belifs
if you want to come to the us, come in legally. I think the border patrol should be doubled or tripled in size and be allowed to shoot anything that crosses the border.
fuck this PC, hippie, we can’t be mean BS and realize what this issue is doing to our country.
we allow american to sit at home and be lazy thou… then they keep voting for people that give them just anough to get by but not motivate them to truly better their life. It time to shut the borders down for like 5 years or so…
you can’t just shut down the borders, that’s kinda against what America was founded on. But there has to be some control and a way to do it that doesn’t screw the American citizens.
Kilmer - I don’t care how hard it is for the illegals, that’s their problem. I shouldn’t have to pay for these fucks to come here and use up our resources. And that line about doing the shitty jobs is BS, if the illegals were not doing them, Americans would get it done. Some employers are just too stupid to realize that cutting down a little bit of their pay to hire illegals is killing this country.
Same shit I’ve been saying for years, guys. It’s so simple, you’d have to wonder why they won’t do it…oh, wait, we wouldn’t need them and then they’d have to get a job
Better border control through tougher sentencing and “shoot to kill” policies for invaders. If you were crossing and risked not being alive or free, would you keep doing it after the US dumps you off back in Meh-ico?
Get off my dime, freeloaders! no more lifer-welfare. Get a job or do community service while collecting.
Sales tax: national sales tax, abolish income tax. you need to live, you will buy and you will fund the healthcare you take without funding now you goddamn freeloaders.
one problem i saw on that gangland program is the on the mexican side of the rio grande there are woods… the US should force mexico to clear those woods out for a 1/4 mile from the river… the cartel hides inthose woods and can pick off american authorites.
sounds like canada lol. they just have 13% sales tax and lower income taxes. works out better b/c the rich obviously spend more money so they get taxed more on what they spend.
While I agree that we shouldn’t have to pay for the people that use our resources, but that’s a whole another convo. Actually, lots of Amurrikans turn down jobs that they aren’t willing to do, because it’s more cost effective and less effort for them to sit on welfare programs. Regardless, there are a lot of ‘immigrants’ specifically ‘illegals’ that are born abroad, and their parents bring them here illegally at a very young age for hopes of a better life, and can you blame them? I know McCain doesn’t, you can read about that below. Then, they live in CA or LA or TX or AZ or whatever city/state. So, they only know English. They have lived here their whole life essentially. They don’t have birth certificates, but want to work and were educated here. What are they suppose to do? I know of a person in that specific situation. You know where he is sitting now? In one of our jails. What good does that bring to anyone? It’s just dumb! So, the whole situation is a bit more complicated then your idealistic responses mr. IT trucker…
Funny you say that! The opponent to said socialists had his own battles and what did he propose in the end?
It’s not about good intentions, what is this person suppose to do in that situation? Of course the parents are pure garbage and to blame and now nowhere to be found even. Trust me, it’s not black and white, these politicians aren’t that dumb, hence why this is one of the many major issues going on today in USandA.