americian border weakness

the person is fucked…thats just the way it is.

It is not complicated. If you live in the US, become a citizen and pay your taxes like the rest of us. If they are all such good people who want to work and be educated, then go through the proper channels to become legal.

I don’t blame people for coming here and it’s the American way to allow that, but you have to do it legally. If you are living in the country illegally there should be 2 options for you, deported or shot. There is no gray area.

the person is supposed to GTFO in that situation.

go about it the proper way and things will be right. Either become legal or go back to where you came from

so sick of having to choose from spanish or english. its fucking america it should only be english with no option of spanish. our familys had to learn english when they came here why are the beaners any different


On this day in history…
…in 1955, Doctor Emmet Lathrop Brown was standing on a toilet hanging a wall clock when he slipped and bumped his head on the bathroom sink. Unconscious, Doc had a vision. And that vision was that of a flux capacitor

post of the decade!!!

Proper channels, LOL. This person grew up here and doesn’t speak Spanish even. Their choice is to go back to country of origin, but they have no documents to prove where they were born. So, they try and apply for citizenship and waivers and such and in the process get sent to jail. That’s not a good enough answer. Even McStain wanted amnesty for these people. It’s much more gray then how you perceive it…

its harsh but maybe this will be used as an example. You try and be sneaky with working the system. In the end you will be caught

no documents you dont exist in this country. with that being said, a burden to society’s debt. Easily resolved with a nice bus ride to the border

I don’t care where they go. If you are in the country, you should be a citizen and paying your share. If you are not a citizen, you should be working towards citizenship(in a reasonable time frame, like 48 hours or so). :slight_smile: If you are not a citizen or working towards it, GTFO.

And an “Illegal Alien” should be in jail, they are illegal. I see nothing wrong with that. Well, I don’t like paying for these illegals to sit in prison so either send then somewhere else or…

its about providing and protecting US…its our country

WHAT THE FUCK DID THESE foreign garbage assholes EVER DO FOR US?

fuck Islam!!!

That’s the thing. While working here as a construction worker, they allowed him to pay taxes. So, he did his share. It’s easy to say, become legal or GTFO, but in reality, that is what he tried to do, and was sent to jail. If you want to believe your idealistic thoughts, that’s fine, but it’s not that black and white in the end…realism

Look nobody gives two shits about your friend…at the end of the day if you here illegally then the burden is yours, is it your fault…maybe maybe not either way it is your burden. I know it isn’t “fair”…but boo hoo life isn’t fair sometimes so deal with it. You let shit like this slide then the next thing you know you have a huge problem…which we do. You cut down on everything and stay strict/firm with the laws then problems will start to get better.

As long as jobs are available here for illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants will continue coming here. Solution? Impose HEAVY penalties on the employers of illegal aliens, including massive fines and jail time. Right now, employers of illegal aliens get a slap on the wrist- if they’re facing jail time, they’re much less likely to hire Juan El WithoutPaperos. Enforce these penalties- instead of going after illegal immigrants, use ICE to go after their employers. When the jobs are gone, the illegals will stop coming here.

Why doesn’t our government do this already? Duh, most of our politicians employ illegals in one capacity or another- of COURSE they’re not going to pass legislation that would be deterimental to themselves.

you dont see any illegals in a construction union and its the way it should be. when i was nonunion i seen so many damm beaners it was a joke and next to none spoke english. Dirty mothefuckers to with how they used the portajohns and lunch area. Work was piss poor quailty to

ppl rather pay cheap labor and take the chance then pay good workers a good wage for skilled work.