:lol: @ you thinking you’re winning the immigration debate…

isn’t the border longer than 370 miles?

What good is a fence that’s much too short?

I don’t care. Its a start. Goober, if the border was only 370 miles I would be pissed at the Cartographers that made my maps in highschool.

+1 Atleast the Cuban’s swim over here.

Stupid Lewis in Clark. I always thought they were just having one massive orgy with the natives.

if they didn’t have to swim, they wouldn’t have to worry about ruining cigars on the way over…make mexicans swim, let cubans walk…but that’s just my .02

This is still gh3y… Fences arent’ gunna stop the mexicans, Boarder Patrol will stop some mexicans, What we need is somet other de-centive to keep them from coming here… but that’s easier said than done.

this offers an opportunity to tell a good joke.

Q: Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team?

A: Because anybody that can run, jump, or swim is already in the U.S.