Political Sabotage

But not what you think. Open your mind for a moment. If you don’t like reading, skip to the last line of the post.

Did you know that pilots can volunteer to carry guns to protect their cockpit from a hostile takeover? If you have a problem with that idea, realize that your life is in their hands already. Personally, I would feel better if they were required to have guns.

Now the Air Marshalls, while they are great agents, can’t cover nearly enough planes.

With that in mind, think of some recent news…where our government has set the precedent, that border agents will be imprisoned for using their firearms improperly while protecting our border.

It is clear to me at this time, that our government is sabatoging us. Perhaps merely due to ignorance and incompetence rather than as an organized and purposeful act, but the end result is the same. Our borders are insecure, those of us that wish to carry guns to protect ourselves and those around us, are given greater and greater restrictions.

Our border agents are in prison, they waste millions of our tax dollars rather than letting us do things on our own. The only reason we even have a problem with illegal immigration is because of the freaking handouts we give here.

If they couldn’t get medical treatment, couldn’t get their kids in school, and couldn’t sue our government when they get shot at crossing the border illegally, they would stop coming.

But they can get all of these things here, and they don’t pay their medical bills or school taxes, so ours continue to increase.

The Moral of the story, obeying the law makes you a slave to those who don’t because in 2007 America, crime pays.

Cheers to that. Nice analysis.

fuck those border agents that think its free hunting on Mexicans. While I hate the fact that they come into the country illegally, its still not cool to shoot them when they are unarmed and running away from you.

Free hunting?
Ramos and Compean are in prison for shooting the drug dealer that got away, and not reporting it.

This most recent guy I heard about on the news this morning, is in prison after they tried to run him down with a Suburban, and he shot out one of the tires.

The problem is that the criminals have more rights than our border agents. It’s like mob rule down there.

Try that shit at a border checkpoint in the middle east, or near a military base if you want to see free hunting.

Obviously I am not promoting a “kill’em all!” mentality. But we have to stand behind the people who risk their lives to protect our borders. A few more of these stories and those guys will all quit instead of risking going to jail. That or just like other Federal employees, they’ll sit in their armored vehicles and collect a paycheck. They’ll idly stand by and watch the mexicans (and terrorists) invade, so they don’t get in trouble for protecting our border incorrectly.

I have no problem standing behind them when they deserve to be stood behind.

and lol @ thinking border security will do anything to stop terrorists from coming into the country.

I only mention that to remind people that there are a lot of people who come across that border illegally, and not all of them are peace-loving, hard-working, spanish-speaking individuals. Plenty of stupid Americans treat the mexican border like it’s just a bunch of fruit pickers coming in for the harvest.

I’d be all for the closing of the border, if for no other reason than to drive up the price on marijuana… but since I’ve transgressed from the production side of that equation to being solely on the consumption side, that doesn’t work for me anymore. :kekegay:

Maybe it would be cool to shot you instead???

After reading some of your posts, this one clears everything up. Thanks dopestar…

you cant. Think of all the poor little kids that will have to look at green pools all summer. Please, think of the kids.

After reading some of your posts, this one clears everything up. Thanks dopestar…

please, do not judge me. We are all human and all have our vices. :o

lok at darkstars post in this thread!

democrats continue to prevail and bless us with there wisdom :ugh2:

link no work…:down:

If I lived through swimming in the river, they will be fine in thier green pool. Hell they can tell thier friends that it’s green cuase they are Irish.:smiley:

And I’m not judging, just stating an opinion…:blah: :blah: :blah:


no one cared back then, no one cares now. Get over it already. It was a fucking joke.

fuck you


You have the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS or THE RIGHT ARM BEARS whatever the hell you want to do.