Political Sabotage

lets build a wall

border security is a joke. as much as “america” bitches about the alien population and how we should stop it… there is no good/politically correct answer for what should be done. you can’t shoot them. you can’t deport them. stop offering so many benefits to every single persone that comes to america. stop paying for everything immigrants want/have and see how that’ll treat you. it’s all trial and error.

How do you propose to do this when we have families living here that are 2-3 generations deep that use welfare as a career???

Lets stop all hand outs, drop the govermental wages, hire more people into goverment jobs, like cleaning trash form the roadways, put a 15 year pay freeze on them, and see how many are breaknig down the fences to get in…:eek2:



Afterall, they work for us.

I was listening to Quinn this morning. He was talking about how the Dem congress is investigating the Repubs. It was scary stuff the way he slings it, but I kow he can be a bit of an alarmist sometimes.