Virtual border fence approved, virtual Mexicans unsure of future

It’s actually not a bad system once Boeing finally delivered.

Cute idea, still not enough man power on the enforcement side to make it as effective as it could be.

Agreed, but it’s a step in the right direction. I’m surprised border security hasn’t been a bigger issue in the election yet. Maybe once we’re down to two candidates.

meh. fining employers like AZ is doing seems to be a much better method.

two 15 foot high electrified fences with razor wire across the top and down the front side and buried into the ground (similar to what you see around Texas State Prisons), mine fields on each side for 100 feet, border patrolman with “shoot to kill” authority, some kind of moat with very hungry alligators.


^ So basically the Berlin Wall, minus the automated machine guns and replace man eating German Shepherds with big lizards?

I think a regular fence + this virtual fence, more human and aerial drone enforcement, and a national program that mirrors Arizona’s would be more than enough. The question is does Congress have the will to make it law.

this is a good thing

They are illegal whether they work or not.
Stop them before they get in.

about time.


agreed, stiff fines would scare most employers IMO.

something like $50,000 fine for the first offense, $100,000 for the 2nd and revocation of their business license and a $500,000 fine for 3rd offense

:clap: on the title.

very Onion-esque

so we are putting virtual dog collars on mexicans? lol jk

Let em come. Have them serve in the military for two years. If they get out honorable they can stay.

i like the shoot to kill and if you make it you can stay

The majority of the immigration problem can be dealt with on the employer side.

We don’t need a massive wall, fence, etc… There are some areas where fencing would be useful for drug enforcement, etc… But illegal immigration is more dependent on job opportunities than anything, remove the jobs, and immigration will almost handle itself

Yeah, let’s put it on the backs of the employers:picard:.
You people want the govt to handle EVERYHTING except this.:picard:
Do you even listen to yourselves or question your logic for even one second?:picard:
I am going to wearout the picard on this thread!

Seriously people WTF!

Let’s not arrest anyonne that breaks the law. lets just leave it all up the employers to handle it.

Do I get a fucking badge for being an enforcer?:gotme:

Seriously, you guys kill me, “the govt is the answer to all of our problems, except of course illegals”.

OMG Do you even remotely understand what it would take to arrest every illegal immigrant in the country?

Employers who hire illegal immigrants ARE BREAKING THE LAW!!!

What do you want the government to do? Build a 100 ft tall x 100 ft deep wall? PEOPLE WILL STILL GET IN.

The only way to truly solve the problem is to remove the incentive, JOBS. That coupled with reform of the LEGAL immigration system would bring illegal immigration to a halt.

If there are no jobs for them, then they won’t be trying to come in with the numbers that they are. I fail to see why this is hard to grasp, they are both breaking the law.

Give me a gun and a badge and I will show you how easy it is.:smiley: