Mexico: "Plan for border fence 'deplorable'"

Ok, lets try to keep this thread civil. No racism please, or I’ll ask a mod to just close the thread.

That being said, to quote Will Farrell, “I feel like I’m taking stupid pills”. How can anyone have the nerve to complain about a fence to force people to go through the LEGAL border crossings?

My favorite quote… "“We are supposed to be neighbors and friends, and instead of building bridges and doors, we’re building obstacles,” Kendzierski said.

My neighbors and friends aren’t sneaking through my windows at night, they knock are welcomed through the front door.

I’m not sure where I stand on a guest worker program. I haven’t read enough about it to lean one way or another. Maybe they’re doing jobs no one else will do, or maybe if they weren’t here those jobs would have to have wages that would make people want them. I honestly don’t have an opinion. But I will never be against any plan that cracks down on ILLEGAL immigration.

we can build the fence, and offer a free boat ride to any country that is against this fence, they can deal with the mexicans.

Personally I’m for it in theory, but a 20 ft high fence just means a 21 ft high ladder…aside from stacking every inch of the border with armed military shoulder to shoulder there’s no “physical” solution to illegal immigration.

I’d rather spend a few billion on some sort of camera/ground sensor system, but that would really be more for anti-terror reasons than illegal immigration

guest worker program is possibly the worst idea ever. You basically create a slave class of workers.

If we do it like the Berlin wall we wont have any problems. Get within 25 feet and closer and tangle int he barbed wire, make it thru that and get dropped by snipers in the towers.

Its mexican proof.

Yes b/c the berlin wall worked out so great in the end

I just want to make it clear that it’s not like all they have to do is goto a regular border crossing (like the peace bridge) and boom they can enter the US to work.

and im going to go out on a limb here and guess that mexicans will be constructing this fence?

Actually it did work great.They just blockaded everything and anything that would help.A berlin wall that can still import and export would be a great idea.

Motion sensor turret guns ftw!

Imprison all individuals that knowingly hire illegals. Or take thier buisness/farm away and sell it at an auction.

Take away the reason they come here in the first place.

I agree.