Someone broke into my house!

My wife and I went out last night to a party at a friends house and came home to find that our house had been broken into. They broke a sliding glass window frame and pushed it open. It looks like they went straight to the master bedroom and no where else. They popped open our fireproof lock box but the only thing in it was Passports and Birth certificates. They went through our bathroom drawers and our night stands. The only things they took were $200 cash that my wife had in her drawer and a gold chain of mine that was only worth maybe $150-200 but it was my fathers so it had a lot of sentimental value to me. Its weird, I’ve had my cars broken into and vandalized but the feeling you get from knowing someone was in your home is about 100x worse. Also my laptop was less than 1 foot from where they had gone through everything in our bathroom and they didn’t take that which I thought was weird. Luckily my wife and I both had on our wedding rings. For some reason theres broken glass on our bathroom floor too but no windows are broken and we can’t find anything glass in the house that may have been dropped and shattered. The police came and did a report and said that its very very rare that someones house is broken into in our area and they think that its someone that we know or someone that was in our house doing work since we’ve moved in that saw where our lock box was because it seems they went right for it and thats all they really went through. I’m getting a security system installed this week even though the odds of it happening again aren’t great but it will still make me feel better. Things could have been a lot worse so I’m thankful that no one was hurt and that we didn’t come home to find them still in our house.


Shitty. What an awful feeling.

Get a doberman. :tup:

+1… glad they didnt get much too

Buy some really big dogs…

Alarm system time?

So… you keep a dedicated laptop next to the shitter?

Thats awesome :slight_smile:

It takes a while to feel somewhat safe again…no matter what.

wow sorry to hear tom :frowning:

Randomly Timed Motion Sensors

If you they broke into your safe with your birth certificates and other legal documents, I would consider getting a credit monitoring service for a few months to make sure no one stole your identity. Again, only you know what was in your safe but something to be careful of.

Yikes, where abouts you live? do you think it was someone who may have known you or has been in your house b4?

Hate to say it but. The chances of them coming back are not as slim as you may think.
Now they know the general layout.

ALWAYS make a hardwood stick (closet pole works) and put it in between sliding patio doors and their frame when you lock up. Patio door locks are WORTHLESS. A stick behind the door makes the door practically impossible to open.

Good lighting is as important as a security suystem. Leave the patio light on. Leave one light in the house on (so it looks like people are home).

Dont leave any unlit access points.

Word…almost sounds like that could be the case, it was for me :frowning:

We are almost positive it was someone who we know. We know very few people in the area and its supposedly the safest place around here to live. All my neighbors leave their cars unlocked and their front doors unlocked every night they all said. Our patio lights were on, I had 2 lights on in the kitchen and 1 in our family room. The people I work with knew I was going out tonight and one of them has been known to steal from the boss. She and her BF have also been to my house for a 4th of July picnic. The person already knew the layout of the house because our master bedroom is on the 1st floor down a hallway and they went straight there and never went upstairs judging by the fact that my 4’ high dog gate is still in place and all the upstairs doors are still closed. No way of proving it was her or her bf though but we’re trying to feel her out.

That sucks, sorry to hear.

Good tips.

You ever see that show on Discovery called It Takes a Thief? They always burglarize homes with dogs and they never do shit. Throw em a peice of meat and the dog becomes your best friend. Then shut em in the bathroom.

sry to hear that, but if someone ever broke into my house I wish they would be still there so they can meet mr.12gauge i have in my garage.

hahaha not my dogs.if someone walks in my house without being greeted by someone who lives her the one will attack… reason why i know this is that my older brothers used to have their friends just walk right in. and they came over to visit and whammmmmmmmmmmmy.

and btw that sucks, you must have told somebody that you have that box though because not every person has a security box. BRINKS has the motion light securty for the interiors if something moves inside any room in the house the alarm will go off and they have something to add with that if you have a dog or any pets.

Thats why I think its someone we know but even though I did tell someone we have that box there was nothing in it. The $ and the jewelry they got was in a drawer in the bathroom.