im not racist but i have a question.

i wasnt exposed to them til i went to hvcc :rofl ni9s shootin dice in the library and hitting on the white girls…“lemme holla at ya” :Idiots

I don’t think it will be a problem if you get “brown pride” tattoo :rofl

There was always a huge crowd of them in the campus center. Motherfuckers go to college for free and are still too lazy to actually go to class.

“brown pride” is a clothing company that mexicans wear… i know this because i worked with a mexican dude in the navy who must have owned stock in it.

I see alot of mexicans in my line of work and have never seen one wearing anything like that

bc ur racist

yeah but atleast the mexicans work for a living. I dont agree with the whole fence jumping thing but they are hard workers and do jobs nobody else will do, unlike members of a certain other race who just sit around drinking 40’s and smoking blunts waiting for a government check.

Is there a problem with my lifestyle?

maybe its a west coast mexican thing.

Im sick of paying for it

so much wrong with this thread…

Oh Jelliez…

Because there is no certain population of whites spread through out America living in homes with wheels, having uneducated kids running around and enjoying a government check.



You are a politicians wet dream PJB. You live in a world not based on facts but on the message fed to you, where logic or common sense does not apply.

You also LOVE generalizations.

I wish I could pick where my tax dollars go. They certainly wouldnt be going to Shaniqua and her 12 kids.

How about Billy Bob and his 4 teeth and 4 kids?

Where would your vast sum of yearly tax money go PJB if you could pick?

You do realize how many services you enjoy that are paid by everybody else around the country that your tax money alone could not provide for you.

You are a minor contribution to a system leaching of major contributors.

You are no better.

Sure theres white trash but the white race as a whole isnt normally sterotyped like other races are and sterotypes are based on reality.

Id rather have my tax dollars go to paving roads and shit like that, not paying some bottom feeders every month.

Go see edit above and enjoy reality

Your tax money would cover 20 potholes fixed a year if that.

White people are stereotyped against all the time, who are you kidding.

Kinda to think of it, you ARE the stereotypical white American person. Thinks he’s better than the rest, ingorant and drives a truck.

:facepalm Im not touching that one lol

Life is a lot easier when you don’t worry about shit you can’t control.


Shit will happen one way or another.

You will be here for it without a choice. You can either spend your time being miserable or taking it in stride and moving on.