im not racist but i have a question.

I think there should be a limit on how long somebody can be on welfare. It shouldnt be a career like it is for some people.

I also support mandatory abortions for welfare recipients. Cant afford what youve got now, shouldnt be allowed to have more.

But, at the same time, Jellies>*

Then you’d be complaining about crime and how there aren’t enough workers at mcdonalds or the food is expensive because there are less minimum wage workers.

You and your mightier than though attitude :facepalm

You will always find something to bitch about.

You’re the kinda guy that will complain that it’s “too nice out”

I could give a fuck if every fast food place closed for good 5 minutes from now.

Lots of new PJB sig material ITT

By the way, you can pick where your tax money goes.

Go to a country where you agree with how the government spends it.

Simple really, you seem to hate everything about America and it’s population.

I would.

Then there would be how many more thousands of workers on welfare/unemployment?

How many other businesses that supply fast food industries would go under? Think of the company that makes the paper wrapping for the burgers…what are those guys gonna do without a job?

All countries probably all waste money in one way or another. Besides I dont have a passport and dont speak any foreign languages and Im not good at jumping fences.

Overwhelming amounts. :lol

PJB: “But those (enter random ethnicity derogatory slang here) don’t know American!”

You need to move to Canada. Seriously.
Like, northern Alberta.

Where the FUCK do you know of where there is a fence around the entire country? Lettuce be cereal.

they could get jobs doing something constructive like paving roads

I wonder how PJB would do in a macroeconomics class.

You can learn, you can get a passport and you can work on your legs at your favorite gym to get some ups. If an 8 year old can do it, so can you (jump fences?? Where the hell are you trying to go?)

Those are nothing but excuses, no better excuses than people on welfare come up with to justify them being on welfare and food stamps.

If you don’t like the country - move.

Most of the world speaks English anyway.

well figuratively anyway. Border crossings, customs, etc.

Fuck here’s an idea- give all the welfare collectors a job picking off illegal immigrants as they try crossing the border. Most of them have their own guns so the government wouldnt even need to provide guns.

There’s trash in every race but the vast majority of people regardless of color are decent people who work, pay their bills and raise their kids. Thank god for the trash though because them + youtube = lulz.

Ive just never had a need to get a passport. I dont travel so I have no use for one.

I do work on my legs- I did that tonight at the gym. Im out of practice fence jumping. I used to do it when I was younger but not lately. Too old and too white for that shit.

I cant afford to move anywhere right now but Im still not looking for a handout from the government.

Get the hell out of here with that logic.

PJB will have none of that!

So illegals is one of the countries biggest problems according to you?

They seem to make better citizens than you as they clearly want to live and work here, while you’re unmotivated, ungrateful, and hate the country.


So you’re going to have millions of people paving roads? Where will the money for that come from?

If you shut down all fast food restaurants think of the ripple effect that would have.