i'm so SIQQQ!

Nig = you nigged something from me. My words.
1.nigged1.) to get screwed over, jipped
2.) to get ripped off
3.) to lose

Oh man, you got nigged!!

You seem to dislike my place of work. Just like the rest of the people who think because I work someplace now, busting my ass through college that I have to somehow relate it to my life. Or I’ll apparently be working there the rest of my life??? Maybe I would buy it, but not work there my whole life.

And for proper grammer. English is not my major. I never knew I was graded on how I talk. If I talked like that in real life, I should be shot. Or work in a country club.

You took the first step to starting shit with me by the way. How? By posting in this thread dedicated to my awesome life.

Sorry for enjoying life and doing what I want.