I'm starting to miss my Grand Cherokee...


Click here to watch zj-rolling

damn thats thing was pretty big…

:doh: i guess i made ya think about it again today huh

alltrac/any 3sgte application > *

It was rather “big”


I’ve actually been thinking about cutting up a first gen honda passport to wheel… about the same size as my grand (aka as big as i can get it and still be on the street :smiley: )

dont do it!!! they are not made by honda!

it still says honda though

isuzu ftl :frowning:

that be kool and interesting to see

something to the effect of this:

You don’t have permission to access /forum/attachment.php on this server.

I can see it

I’ll give you my Grand for that Alltrac… :slight_smile:

Were you going to Subway or Monte Cellos? Haha

don’t tempt me! i’m not exactly happy with the alltrac right now…

ha, i was actually going home.

damn it, y can’t i see it

here i hosted it… I like this a lot:


that thing looks cool…those 35 or 37 on there ?

this is closer


maybe 36’s :dunno:

i knew there were sick people like me out there!!



haha…what are u waitng for…